Enroll in the standard or VIP experience

Attention Service Based Professionals

Would You Like to Speak Up on the Right Podcasts and Attract More Leads

and Clients to Your Business without Hiring an Expensive Booking Agency?

You know that the right podcast guest spots will lead to:

But How Do You Land Those Podcast Guest Spots in the First Place

without it becoming a full time job?

i get it

There’s nothing more maddening than wanting to take advantage of all the client-getting, business-building, income-boosting benefits podcast guesting offers, yet not have a clue how to make it happen.

It’s as if you’ve got your nose pressed against the glass as you watch the cool kids get all the applause and rewards.

The truth is ….

Podcast guesting can bring a huge boost of credibility, visibility and cash to your business … especially if you find yourself nodding YES to these 3 simple statements:

What If You Could Quickly Transform from Feeling Stuck, Unsteady, and Unsure

to Taking Action as a Confident, Media Savvy, Media Ready Expert with Value to Add to Perfect Podcast Audiences Right Now?

Listen, the only reason you’re not getting the right podcast guest spots is you’ve been wishing and hoping and waiting for the phone to ring instead of taking smart, strategic action to get the gigs you want.

But that’s because you haven’t had anyone to guide you and give you the information, strategies, inspiration, support, and accountability to identify your perfect audience, position yourself as the guest they want, and approach decision-makers with the confidence and materials they need to say, “You’re IN!”

Until now.

You’re Invited to Take Your Place in the

Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp

During this 12-Week LIVE training, you’ll stop “getting ready to get ready” and start filling your calendar with podcast guest spots that skyrocket your visibility, credibility and your upside.

Then give me 12 weeks, and I’ll show you how to:

About Your Guide

Hi. I’m Nancy Juetten. I work with service-based professionals and messengers who would rather speak than tend to tech. They podcast guest their way to 6-figures and beyond on a do-it-yourself basis because they are empowered to book themselves – without hiring an expensive agency – unless then want to.
I combine my years of public relations agency success, proven online marketing strategies honed since 2009, and velvet boot of accountability to kick clients into an empowering and sustainable gear of performance and profits. In addition to being an Amazon #1 best-selling author and a consistent content creator, I speak up on 40+ podcasts and virtual stages each year with my sassy sound bites leading the way.
Clients describe me as “all of the help and none of the hype” and appreciate my hands-on style of making sure they get the value and results they expect — or something even better!

What Makes My Teaching Style Special and Preferred ?

Read What Happy Clients Say!

Nancy, the few short weeks I've been in this group and working with you has been the most valuable investment I've done for my business in years. Your brilliance with words, caring heart, and going above and beyond in serving is unmatched! It's my honor to be here and to get to know you better. 🙂
Linda Lenore
Nancy Juetten's Broadcast your Brilliance Boot Camp is a powerful opportunity to get your ducks in a row so when opportunity knocks, you are ready. In just a few short weeks, we created a media kit, email correspondence to get booked, learned all the tips and tricks for being a great podcast guest, and so much more. Nancy's fun approach is manageable and kind as she holds us accountable for getting known and getting paid. This is a 5-STAR program that is well worth the investment!
Maureen Kures
With Nancy as a guide by my side, the floodgates quickly flew open to being a guest on top-tier podcasts in my industry. The ripple effect of being a guest on the first few high-profile podcasts keeps growing to the point that I can barely keep up with the podcast guesting requests, virtual speaking opportunities, JV partnerships, and more! This is exactly what I wanted when I started working with Nancy and my expectations have been exceeded. Nancy is “all-in” with me and my business and cares deeply about my success. Her generosity, razor-sharp skills, and knack for turning a phrase have helped me to make meaningful tweaks in my messaging, on my one sheet, my bio, and so much more.
Meredith Liepelt
Meredith Liepelt

fast results


Maybe you’ve been struggling to create your media one sheet for months or years. Or you didn’t even now you needed one! Let’s set that struggle aside right away so you can get booked – just like Andrea, Dorothy and Linda did! Within the first two weeks in Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp, they created their media one sheets and got booked!

“I have been a speaker and presenter for many years and always seem to “reinvent the wheel” when companies ask me to send them information. Nancy Juetten gave me a structure and format to complete my Media One-Sheet. Then she added her brilliant words that enhanced my information. I have searched for someone with her talent for years. Now I can simply send this document to podcast hosts to get booked!”

“I've struggled for a long time to know just what to say — and I'm a pretty good writer! You've already helped me to streamline and target my message and helped me create a Media One-Sheet that I am excited and happy to send out to podcast hosts. And I've already booked my first podcast!”

“For 3 decades I've been a speaker, only 2 times have I needed a Speaker One Sheet because my topic was so unique there was no competition. I've had half a dozen One Sheets and never really liked any of them. Getting on podcasts is a whole new situation. I literally haven't been able to get on shows because I DIDN'T have a One Sheet. Within the first 2 weeks of Nancy Juetten's Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp, I created a One Sheet I love Plus I'm really excited to share it. It's only been 3 days since I finished it and I have 4 podcasts scheduled. Having a professional Podcast One Sheet has made all the difference in being prepared and truly feeling like I'm a Dream Podcast Guest.”

“It has been an extremely valuable experience to participate in Broadcast Your Brilliance Bootcamp.  Nancy was so professional and passionate about giving us the tools and strategy , with her expert advice and guidance to get successfully booked on podcasts.  Her help with my media one sheet and encouragement to get an automated calendar to book consultation calls was valuable. The practice interview with another member of the group and her critique helped.  The contacts I received from other members of the group to build business relationships also were appreciated.  Podcasts are an excellent way to build your brand, get noticed as an expert and monetize the mic.  I recommend this workshop to anyone to get Nancy’s coaching and mentoring on this topic.  I look forward to being interviewed by Nancy with all her skills and followers to gain even more credibility.

Much appreciation and sincere thanks Nancy, Coach Chris.”

Christopher Klesh

Professional speaker, coach, consultant Founder/President Lifetime Leisure Experiences

This Training is NOT about Overloading You with a Bunch of Information So You Feel Overwhelmed, Paralyzed, and Confused about What to Do or How to Do It!

No way!

You get:

Insider Secrets & Make-It-Happen Strategies

You’ll receive the trainings that have allowed my clients to book perfect gigs in service to their ideal audiences… and smile all the way to the bank.

Expert Guidance & Feedback

You won’t be thrown a bunch of information and then left to figure it out on your own.

No, I’m going to take you by the hand (and kick you in the behind with my velvet boot) to make sure you ask for what you want and then get it.

Real Time, Bottom Line Results

With your inspired and imperfect action, you’ll get the results you came for and then some. As part of this training, you’ll be challenged to book at least 4 gigs before our 12 weeks are complete.

Whether you host your own events or get booked on others’ podcasts or virtual stages as a guest in their Facebook group, mastermind, or 5-Day Challenge, one thing is certain. You will be ready for opportunity and you have your “I’m Ready for Big Opportunity” Merit Badge to prove it.

The Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp is a Get Things Done, Make It Happen, 12-week Journey.

As a result, you will:
Since 2016, hundreds of experts and speakers have taken this training and been astounded and delighted by the expert support, feedback, and big results they have welcomed in their businesses as a direct result.

what we'll cover

during our time together!

Your profitable niche audience.

You don’t want to speak to the wrong people and come up empty handed without any new leads to show for your effort. You want opportunities to speak in front of your ideal audience. The people who are hungry for your message and ready to invest in your offers. During this training, you’ll get clear on who your people are so you have the right message-to-audience match.

A Bio that Opens the Big Doors:

To get those income-boosting, high-visibility gigs, you need to convince decision-makers that you’ve got the goods to deliver and dazzle. I’ll show you how to write or upgrade your bio so it shines with your brilliance and convinces decision-makers you’re the one they want because you have specific and terrific value to add for their audience.

Your Secret Gig-Getting Weapon:

Do you have a media one sheet yet? If not, we’re going to get your done and done right so it opens doors to big opportunities. We’ll define and clarify your hot media topics, what makes you the guest top hosts can’t wait to book.

One, Two, Three… Booked!

I’ll be giving you my best ninja tips and tricks for getting booked on the podcasts that are right for your message. These are the same strategies that have allowed me to get booked on scores of shows, even when no one knew my name.

From Podcast to Leads and Sales:

How do you turn every podcast guest spot into a rush of leads, connections, collaborations and cash? Well, that’s what you’ll discover during this training. You’ll fine tune your best irresistible lead magnet so you can create new opportunities to build your own following of champions, advocates, potential clients, and cash.

Success Tracking Tools:

I’ll also share my podcast to profits spreadsheet and other helpful tools to help you track your results to demonstrate your return on investment.

Fame, Fortune and Fun

Let’s bring it all together so you’re forever able to Broadcast Your Brilliance. Because one good thing always leads to plenty more.

I’m not just going to tell you what to do and how to do it and then leave you hanging out to dry.

No, for 12 weeks I’ll be by your side, guiding and supporting you every step of the way.


you get personal mentoring from me

Enjoy unparalleled expert access and feedback during our 6 live calls and 6 live office hours for 12 glorious weeks.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it with online trainings and pseudo coaching programs that throw a bunch of to-dos at you and then leave you high and dry when it comes to getting into action and getting rock star results.

Throughout this training, I offer you:

This isn’t a pat on the back and keep-it-up support. It’s get-it-done, get-what-you-need support, feedback and brainstorming that locks in your ability to consistently score the podcast guest spots you want.

Why I’m Your First-Choice Expert If You Want to Go From Zero to Hero

and smile all the way to the bank!

I’m not famous.

Yet I get booked on the right shows just about every single week.


Because I know what podcast hosts are looking for.

I know what to say, what to show them, and how to position myself as the guest who speaks to the problem or topic their audience most wants to solve.

Most importantly, I’m ALL IN on this powerful visibility strategy.

Now when I speak up on podcasts — which I’ve done over 100+ times since the pandemic hit — I earn rave reviews from the hosts, love notes from their listeners, new members in my fast-growing Facebook group, and new clients who wisely invest in my products, programs, and services.

It’s amounted to 10’s of thousands of dollars in sales, and a lot of hugs, applause and invitations… just by doing what I’m going to teach you in this program that is delivered LIVE so you can’t escape my notice and get every bit of value I have to offer!


No matter where you are on your speaking path, when you apply what you’ll learn in this training, those big deal moments can turn into big money… and even bigger opportunities!

So, what do you say?

Are you ready to stop “getting ready” and start making your own magic happen from the live and virtual stages that are perfect for your message?

If so, here’s how we roll:



The second you register, you will have immediate access to online trainings will show you how, create a media one sheet and a brilliant, opportunity attracting bio.

You’ll also receive your very own copy of the highly acclaimed Bye-Bye Boring Bio eWorkbook in your inbox and shipped direct to your doorstep!   The podcast guest etiquette tips and ninja strategies I lay out within this powerful resource are worth their weight in gold. Plus, there are powerful media one sheet examples and bonus resources within this surprisingly robust workbook to help your bio stand out and shine across just about every social media profile, About Me page, Amazon Central Author Profile, and more so you attract more of the right clients and opportunities to elevate your star on the rise and your revenues!

Bye Bye Boring Bio 2020

Since the course materials are delivered to your inbox as soon as you enroll, you can work as quickly as you like to get your mission accomplished.

live mentoring


Every other Tuesday we’ll meet live from 9 – 11 a.m. Pacific. You’ll be guided to be the podcast dream guest top hosts can’t wait to book. You’ll also get to raise your hand, ask for help, and get the support you need to shine with every pitch you make. These live sessions run about 2 hours each.

live office hours

You can also attend LIVE OFFICE HOURS every other Tuesday from 9 – 11 a.m. Pacific by Zoom video so we can connect and make sure you get the support you need. Even if you are world’s away and in different time zones, I’ll be sure to respond to your questions and comments within stated office hours so you can keep moving forward to create the results you desire.


In addition to offering 12 weeks of expert access, accountability, messaging magic, and feedback to support you in going further faster, Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp also includes practical and powerful bonus trainings to bridge gaps in your skillset so you can go further faster!

You’ll receive:

Benefit from one or more podcast performance audits by Nancy Juetten to point out ways to improve your next podcast interview.
Pitch yourself as a guest faculty expert to the group to practice delivering your message and welcome helpful suggestions from our intimate and connected group to refine and upgrade it for even better results.
Create powerful and door opening relationships and collaborations with fellow members as you also benefit from warm introductions to influential podcast hosts from fellow members and Nancy Juetten, provided the fit is right.
Welcome championship of your successes in the Raise Your Voice Make Your Impact Facebook Group where just shy of 3300+ members engage and pay attention to what’s awesome about you!
Your own copy of the Amazon #1 Best-Selling Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook will wing its way to your doorstep. It’s packed with proven guidance and easy to use templates to create your media one sheet, speaker one sheet, and bios to support you in attracting clients, speaking gigs, and podcast interviews.
Put to work the Podcast to Profits Tracking System to keep track of your activities and your results, while never missing a scheduled interview.
Receive a 3-month trial membership to the Self-Growth JV Directory so you can virtually connect with podcast hosts and influencers to get booked and collaborate to accelerate your visibility and fast-track the growth of your business.
Lifetime Access to bonus trainings and recommended resources to become a master of new client enrollment, qualify your best potential clients with assessment marketing, create your irresistible lead magnet, book yourself on more stages, and make the most of joint venture collaborations.

So many entrepreneurs keep telling me that they want more clients and more money.

Well, podcast guesting is the most effective, efficient and profitable way to get both!

When you share your message from the right podcasts in front of the right audience.

But you can’t get booked on those shows until you get media ready, media savvy and on message to attract those client-converting, money-making guest spots.

What's Your Wise Investment to Benefit from All this LIVE Training, Guidance, and Support?

That’s a serious commitment.

That’s why I always suggest that clients learn the ropes with me as their guide.  

You will be astounded by what you can accomplish on a do it yourself basis at a fraction of that investment with the tools, resources and expert guidance I provide.

Your desire and willingness to invest in a much deeper way with me will likely be shaped by what you learn and the results you welcome as a result of the actions you take in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp.

You are going to learn more than enough to be amazingly effective on a do-it-yourself basis as a client in this 12-week program and hire it out when you decide to focus more on being a CEO.

I’m going to guide you to get media ready, media savvy, and on message so that any DONE FOR YOU efforts on your behalf will be faster and easier as a direct result of your awesome preparation.

That is why I’m offering this 12-Week sprint, so you have no excuse but to make this training a priority and become the podcast guest the right hosts can’t wait to book.

This training gives you what you need — at a fair, yet meaningful investment to bring in the results so you can benefit right now!


The VIP option includes a YouTube interview with Me!

The videos are shared from within the Raise Your Voice Make Your Impact Facebook Group and from my YouTube Channel.

I’ll champion you as a world-class expert so you have video proof of how media savvy, media ready, and on message you really are!  You can re-purpose your interview to influencers, showcase it on your online press room, or use it to open big doors, now and forever.

Rising Star Publicity CEO Meredith Liepelt Welcomed 3 Spin Off Engagements as Result of the Interview I Hosted for Her!

Check Out What Top Podcast Host David Newman Said about His Experience as My Guest!

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This can all be YOUR EXPERIENCE, too, when you say YES to taking Your VIP Seat in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp.

With ONE Perfect Podcast Guest Spot that Attracts One Ideal Paying Client, You’ll Not Only Cover Your Wise Investment, You'll Likely Exceed It .

You’ll have everything you need to keep booking and enjoying high profit, high visibility podcast guest spots that convert like crazy!

Just think.

Within 12 weeks, you can be rocking the podcast guesting stage, attracting a ton of ideal leads and clients, and making thousands more in income every month… for years and years to come – without having to leave your home or hire an expensive booking agency to do this for you.

Join now and become a podcast dream guest who is ready for opportunity when it knocks and takes action to get the gigs you really want.

Or keep procrastinating, tinkering with your website, and telling yourself, “I’m not ready yet.”

It’s up to you.

You can stay tucked away behind your computer screen, learn a new software or work on your inner game some more.

Or you can get exactly what you need to take your place on stage, share your message with those who are hungry to hear it, and create true transformation for both you and your audience.

YOU GET All of this for Your Wise Investment:

it's time to decide

VIP or Standard?

Enroll Now


Invest in Full


Standard - Invest in Full


3 Month Payment Plan

Clients Rave … and You Will, Too !

anything less is simply not good enough

I joined Nancy Juetten in her Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp to prepare me for podcasts and help me get scheduled for speaking. First, I accomplished all the promises of the program:

-I created and finished my Media One Sheet.
-Nancy helped me create an executive log for listing podcasts that would be ideal for me to speak to my perfect prospects.
-Nancy gave us an executive log to track our speaking on podcasts and to organizations. The log helped us track our numbers and results.
-Nancy taught us where to look and how to get booked on podcasts.
-I booked quite a few speaking gigs for myself and podcasts, too.

She went above and beyond…Nancy asked her VA to edit my Media One Sheet. That was a gift. Nancy referred me to a podcast host and helped me get booked on her show. Before and after the show, Nancy gave me tips on how to get scheduled to speak in her organization. Nancy invested time with me outside of the group and helped me with my marketing plan for podcasts & speaking, list building and my lead magnet. I have joined a lot of coaching programs but have NEVER had the personal touch from the guru that I have experienced with Nancy. She cares…she gives…and she never disappoints. Do not hesitate…RUN TO JOIN BROADCAST YOUR BRILLIANCE BOOT CAMP. You will be overjoyed with your results and the information, care and concern your feel and experience from Nancy.

Andrea Bullard

Action Taker Guarantee

Book Yourself on 4-12 Podcasts that are Right for Your Message
It’s Guaranteed … When You Do the Work

When you complete the Broadcast Your Brilliance Bootcamp and implement the podcast guesting plan you develop in the course of the program, you’ll book yourself on 4-12 shows that are right for your message within the 12 weeks we are together or within the next year as a result of your consistent, inspired actions.
You must do the work, request help when you need it, and follow the advice and suggestions I provide.

That means that:

 1.  You create your media one sheet, based on the template, guidance, and feedback I offer during the program.
 2.  You show up for office hours and content calls – live or by replay – to be guided to the outcomes you desire.
 3.  For at least 12 weeks, you dedicate time each week to executing the pitching plan you develop during the program, taking full advantage of the resources I recommend to accelerate your path to success.
 4.  If you’re not on track to meet your goals, you’ll reach out to me early and follow my suggestions.
 5.  You’ll submit a brief weekly check-in to keep me posted on your progress and let me know if you’re having any trouble.

Your success in business is always determined by your own inspired actions

Show up. Do the work. Get results.

it's just that simple.


VIP Payment in Full


Standard Payment in Full


3 Month Payment Plan

P.S.   You won’t get lost in the crowd as a client in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp.  This is designed to be an INTIMATE group program.  That means you’ll be seen, heard, and helped in a world-class way.   Anything less simply isn’t good enough.

P.P.S.  Give me 12 weeks.  You’ll be intoxicated by the thrill of speaking up, sharing your stories, and shortening the amount of time you need to spend on get acquainted sessions.  Why?  Because once your potential clients hear you speak in a long form interview, they’ll know right away that you are the expert they’ve been looking for.  They will show up for calls, ready to buy!