Get Your
Media One Sheet

For podcast guesting done, dialed, designed, and delivered direct to you!


“Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten”

Is podcast guesting something you are eager to explore?

But maybe you are not podcast guest ready yet …

Maybe you downloaded the free media one-sheet gift template I created for you a while back, but you haven’t yet gotten around to creating yours …

If that’s your situation, here’s great news.

Today I introduce a new invitation to “Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten”  as we start paving your path to lasting podcast guesting success!

If it’s time to step into the spotlight, make an impact, and take your brand and business to new heights, I’m thrilled to present a solution that will make getting podcast guest ready effective and also enjoyable, and absolutely fabulous!

I’m thrilled to present a solution that will make getting podcast guest ready effective and also enjoyable and absolutely fabulous!

Get Podcast Guest Ready

Imagine this:

Are you breathing a sigh of relief already?

I sure hope so!

Get Podcast Guest Ready

It's time to seize the opportunity

and claim your rightful place at the microphone, knowing that your hot topics, interview questions, and host-friendly bio are compelling, on target, and ready to impress and inspire top hosts to book you as guests on their shows.

With the “Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten” package, you'll receive unparalleled support and training to ensure your podcast guesting journey is a resounding success.

Here's what's in store for you:

Your wise investment for this transformative opportunity is $997 — a modest price to pay for the immense value you'll receive – including a media one sheet that is done, dialed, and designed!

If you’ve been yearning for my support to kickstart your podcast guesting journey and achieve the recognition and results you deserve, this is your golden ticket.

Don’t let this chance slip away.

Say YES to “Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten” and watch your podcast guesting dreams become a reality.

Get ready to shine, make a lasting impact, and soar to new heights!

to claim your spot

simply click a button below

You’ll instantly receive 5 deep dive video replays, homework assignments to guide you to get media savvy, media-ready, and on message, plus your digital copy of the much heralded Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook!

Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten


This option incudes a 45-minute Zoom working session with Nancy, a media one sheet that is done, dialed, designed, and DELIVERED to you, plus immediate access to the Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course.

Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course


This option does NOT include private time with Nancy or the media one sheet that is done, dialed, designed and delivered to you.

*All sales are final*

If you don't have your Media One Sheet done yet …

Get Podcast Guest Ready
Nancy, thanks for the shout-out! I do love it and it was so easy to get it done working collaboratively with you I’ve also already created my website page – interview Lisa as you recommended. Onward to booking more podcasts! If you don’t have your media one sheet done yet, don’t miss this opportunity to work directly with Nancy to get it done. I was putting it off for almost a year – yes a year! – and here it is, done in less than 4 days.

Lisa Kanda

“LOVE THE FINISHED PRODUCT Nancy Juetten!!! Because of your support and genius, I am more confident in my podcast pitching efforts and am ready to be a guest on many shows and bring the value!!”

Megan Huber

Get Podcast Guest Ready
Get Podcast Guest Ready

Thank you, Nancy! I’ve tried to create a Media One Sheet for years. This experience was beyond expectations with value way beyond the finished product. You rocked it!”

Mark Porteous

“I’ve arrived!! Thanks to Nancy Juetten’s awesome coaching, I finally have a media one sheet that summarizes my expertise in the best possible way. I can’t tell you how long it has taken me to nail down what I am an expert on (after 7 businesses and 23 years online). But this really does it! I feel SO PROUD of this!”

Milana Leshinsky

Get Podcast Guest Ready

let's get it

done together!

What Clients Say about the Value & Results

They Welcome from the Podcast Visibility Lab

Listen up everyone, please! Take my advice. If you start to implement Nancy's training you will see results on day one. Nancy says two guest spots a week every week is a good goal. After listening to training 1&2 of 5 trainings we started getting responses the same day we implemented Nancy's tools. Yesterday implementing training 3 was like pouring gas on a blazing fire. I just got off a Zoom interview and locked in my 5th guest appearance in two weeks, with the rest of today and tomorrow left. I will find the time to listen to the last two pieces of training today and tomorrow. If you implement half of what Nancy teaches your success is inevitable. Plan to get the training done or you will become too busy to learn how to make it all effortless. Thank you Nancy for eliminating thinking from the process. You thought of everything. Just listen take action and hang on for overwhelming success 👍
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Mike Bonventre
Nancy is an absolute rock star! In just 5 days I created, edited and polished a media one sheet I can use to pitch to podcast hosts that I can feel proud of (AND, now I know the difference between a media one sheet and a speaker one sheet!) It was like hitting the lottery. I got a ton of value, a treasure trove of specific actionable tips and so many a-ha moments out of this program that I can apply to my business right now! Nancy totally over-delivered on content and blew me away with her generosity. Her training helped me get clarity and drove me to be my best and most compelling self and package it in a way that is irresistible.
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Steve Pederson
Podcast Visibility Lab provided so much value. And now I’ll have the videos and e-book in my business library so I can use them at my own pace. Nancy, I want to give you a ‘specific terrific’ for your sassy soundbites – your wordsmith ability delights the ear and excites the imagination. In your videos, the energy and enthusiasm you project encourages your audience to action. Thank you for your ‘fearless leadership’ guiding us through the media maze with templates and examples to help us achieve our personal podcast potential. I’ll continue to follow you for direction – and continue working to turn my ‘sloppy copy’ into a powerful presentation!
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Custom Word Puzzle Creator at Cerebration Creations and works at Conductor and “BRAINtertainer” at All Aboard the Brain Train and “BRAINtertainer” at “Let Me BRAINtertain You”
Get Podcast Guest Ready
“Another 5-star review for Nancy Juetten’s content – always delivering above and beyond. You know she is on point and doing what she loves because her energy is contagious and unstoppable! I love how she shows up – supporting imperfect action taking so you can get out of the “Getting Ready to Get Ready” party and step onto the Dream Guest Expert Stage party! Just some of my results from the challenge: • I finally have a Media One page. • I finally have 3 talk topics, 1 of which is my signature talk in the making! • I am now signed on to several “call for guest experts” groups and lists where I can look to #betheguest for podcast hosts looking for me, a home organizing and relocation expert, to share valuable tips, advice, and resources on home revision and relocation with their listeners so they too can experience more freedom of time, energy and a renewed sense of heart and home! • I definitely am feeling more confident about podcast guesting and seeing that all the goods she delivers are also applicable to guesting on webinars, live events, radio shows and more! Thank you Nancy for being my cheerleader for SO many years as my business has evolved – and for being such a huge part of that uplifting and evolutionary process. I am SOOO happy I listened to your advice years ago to check out of the Pity Party Hotel. It has been LIFE CHANGING!!”

Amy Woidke, CEO & Chief Organizer

“I realize how much I’ve been avoiding getting clear on what I do and helping others figure it out. Thanks for all your fabulous coaching! I love the specific examples you give of how to write a query letter, how to follow up, what to put in the one-sheet, how to focus on being of service, how to get clear on what we are offering so the host knows who we are and what we do. For all this and so much more, I thank you.”

Linda Kroll, LCPC, JD, Therapist, Mediator, Attorney, Chopra Certified Teacher of Meditation, Yoga and Ayurveda

Get Podcast Guest Ready
Get Podcast Guest Ready

“I’m loving ALL the tips you are providing! SOO SUPER Duper Valuable! Thank you!”

Dr. Merina Longevity Secrets, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

“So much value. This was an incredible session. Jam packed. I kept wanting to pause to type in the chat my ‘aha’ moments, but never got time cause they just kept coming!!”

Lia M B Tuerlings

Get Podcast Guest Ready
Get Podcast Guest Ready

“When you sign up for Nancy Juetten’s Podcast Visibility Lab, you’re signing up for information, inspiration, and real-life action-oriented steps to take you to the next stage in your media presence.


You can’t go wrong working with Nancy Juetten. She’s a gem.”

Laura Handke, Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice

“Nancy, You are a rockstar performer! You deliver such high value and with such passion you always have me saying, “I’ll have what she’s having!” Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to collaborate to help folks get on podcasts NOW!”

Bettina Carey

Get Podcast Guest Ready
Get Podcast Guest Ready

“That’s what is so cool – this work is not only for visibility but crucial for clarifying and solidifying your message and creating hot offers!”

Olga Fernandes

Clients Truly Can't Stop Raving !

Let's hear from a couple more

Brent Scarpo welcomed such AMAZING results as a result of putting into action the lessons he learned during the Podcast Visibility Lab.
He got two new coaching clients, booked 9 podcast guest spots, and 20 speaking gigs for October with a corporate client. He has also welcomed an opportunity to be a corporate online trainer with a leading company.

What Luminaries are Saying about the

Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook

Get Podcast Guest Ready
If you need to position yourself ahead of your competition, you need Nancy Juetten’s practical, easy to adapt, high impact advice.
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Patricia Fripp
Past President, National Speakers Association,
… My intro to Nancy and her Bye-Bye Boring Bio is relatively new, but I already know she’s the real deal because I’ve lived through what she teaches. What that is is kind of funny. It’s the fact that I’ve accomplished a 7-figure marketing agency without spending a dollar on marketing. I found success through the very methods that Nancy teaches, which was exciting to meet her through podcasting and to know someone is out there teaching these things that I’ve learned. By bringing transparency to your audience and clarity in your message, that is how you get ahead. By clearly and consistently communicating your area of experience in your bios online – now the key is consistently – you have a 24/7 open for business light on to attract sales and leads. It’s super cool to now know someone like Nancy to help you cut the learning curve. She’s one of the good guys bringing actionable advice to you.
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Damon Burton contributor, President of SEO National, and Author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling Book Outrank
Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource for writing an effective bio so you can speak up and share your message virtually. Your new bio will impress your followers and intrigue them so they will want to know more about you. This is definitely a ‘must buy’ workbook I highly recommend.
Get Podcast Guest Ready
Nancy Marmolejo

More Amazing Raves From

The Podcast Visibility Lab

“This is for Nancy mostly but others of course! I have a business that is disrupting an industry and I have felt so frustrated on Instagram and all these places that everybody is a coach and they want you to absolutely take their courses you have to be a millionaire to take everyone’s courses to try and see how to virtually have your business found on social media. Listening to this on late Saturday Nancy gave me the perfect idea become a podcast guest and you get to be on podcast hopefully . With thousands of listeners and she’s right when I’m listening to a podcast I am in my car driving down the toll road walking the dog dual actions doing the laundry so I am enamored with Nancy’s information here and I just want to say thank you so much.”
Smooth Moves by Design
Get Podcast Guest Ready

I am enamored with Nancy’s information

to claim your spot and embark on this exciting adventure

simply click the button below

You’ll instantly receive 5 deep dive video replays, homework assignments to guide you to get media savvy, media-ready, and on message, plus your digital copy of the much heralded Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook!

Get Podcast Guest Ready with Nancy Juetten


This option incudes a 45-minute Zoom working session with Nancy, a media one sheet that is done, dialed, designed, and DELIVERED to you, plus immediate access to the Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course.

Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course


This option does NOT include private time with Nancy or the media one sheet that is done, dialed, designed and delivered to you.

*All sales are final*