A Very Special Invitation

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

Join this intimate, CURATED collective as you succeed in your lifestyle business on your own best terms and have space to love your life without burnout. Anything less is simply not good enough.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
August 2023
Making It Personal Right Out of the Gate
There’s nothing quite so confronting as contending with a health issue or major disruptive event in your life to bring the clarity to finally create the business and life you’ve wanted all along.
I got my wake-up call in May of 2022 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer one week before the biggest online conversion event since the pandemic came to call. With 1,250 people registered to attend my podcast guesting masterclass, I had a decision to make.  
Should I stand and deliver or curl up in a ball with my ugly cry and retreat? 
I decided to stand and deliver and subsequently give my all to the clients who decided to join with me in the program I was running at the time.
As I navigated diagnosis, treatment and recovery and found a way to keep serving my clients in a world-class way, I felt my priorities shift. 
The hustle and grind of pursuing more and better results lost its luster. It was time to find a way to love my business and my life in a more sustainable and aligned way.

What did I do?

I invited an intimate cohort of amazing and respected colleagues and program graduates to join me in what I’ve affectionately called Nancy’s Secret Society of Awesomeness. 

Our intimate group of five came together to champion, advocate, and support each other to succeed in our businesses and our lives. 

As it turned out, just about every member had his or her own life challenges to contend with that required some “bend and sway” on the business front in order to deal with the drama, trauma or chaos of what life served up.

Our twice a month Zoom sessions became a lifeline and contributor of life force for all of us. 

In this group, we are comfortable and safe to show up as who we are – raw and ragged if that’s what’s real for us. 

Our members are there to listen and lend support for what’s happening in real life just as they are they to listen and lend support, accountability, resources, and referrals to advance unfolding priorities in our businesses.

It’s a delicate balance between the professional and the personal. That’s a meaningful differentiator for this group.

In this group, we don’t have keep our guard up or over-position how well things are going. We can speak the truth, ask for help, and receive support.

As the leader of the group, I bring decades of online marketing experience to the table.

I am a teacher, marketing strategist, podcast guesting expert, joint venture top performer, successful list builder, launcher of 3 #1 Amazon best-selling business books, publicist, accomplished speaker, and truth teller from years of success and experience in the trenches.

That means I can take a swing at whatever question or challenge members may be facing and offer thoughtful answers rooted in real life experience.

After so many years in the trenches, I’ve collected and vetted proven resources, referral partners, and experts who can solve the problems at hand.

What Members Say:

“Joining Nancy's Inner Circle was one of the best decisions I've made since starting this business. She delights at every turn, showing up, showing out, and championing her tribe in a way that is masterful and incredibly inspiring. She's the kind of leader who can lead from the front of the room, the sidelines, or even the back of the room. She's masterful in the way she creates space to advocate for and refer warm leads to her tribe. Nancy is consistent in the way she shows up, and over-delivers as a way of being. The return on investment makes it a no-brainer, if you actually need another reason to join, as partnerships and leads come from the circle. She is a blessing that just keeps giving, with so many delightful surprises along the way. Besides Nancy, the amazing and knowledgeable community she has curated has been there to lend support and cheer for the personal and business happenings of life. We are half-way through the first six months together, and I don't want it to end.”
Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
Amy Janece
Image and Wardrobe Stylist
“Thanks to Nancy Juetten's unwavering championship and advocacy, my business has experienced remarkable growth and success. Nancy's support has been instrumental in promoting our annual Soulful Leadership Retreat to her community, resulting in the enrollment of 5 of her private “Inner Circle” clients to attend with her in Orlando. They each contributed to the event. Additionally, her strong endorsement of our MetaMind program to leading experts in our space has led to several new members joining who were previously hesitant. Nancy's involvement doesn't stop at promotion; she leads every Inner Circle gathering, offering practical advice and insights that address the challenges we face in both our businesses and personal lives. Her wisdom, coupled with the contributions of other brilliant members, has consistently provided invaluable guidance. One of Nancy's greatest strengths lies in her strategic approach to joint ventures. Her ability to foster win-win partnerships has generated immense value for our community. This was recently exemplified when Nancy was awarded the prestigious Most Valuable Partner award at the Soulful Leadership 2024 Retreat, highlighting her exceptional contributions and outstanding leadership within our community. In essence, Nancy's presence in my corner has not only provided tangible results for my business but has also elevated the overall success and cohesion of our community. Her dedication to excellence and her commitment to supporting fellow entrepreneurs make her an invaluable asset to anyone fortunate enough to have her by their side”.
Mark Porteous
Mark Porteous
Co-founder of the Soul Affiliate Alliance

Having been an active participant in many business programs, I can say hands down that Nancy's Inner Circle brings the highest value! The value of warm referrals from my fellow members far exceeds my investment.

The relationships formed inside the community exceed my expectations in terms of smart guidance, invaluable support in a safe and sacred container when challenges arise, and wisdom for business success and expansion. My peers have become trusted advisors, confidantes, and priceless friends.

As a leader and avid advocate for her clients' success, Nancy always overdelivers and is an extraordinary example of continual learning and seeing what's possible beyond what we might individually imagine.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
Diana Needham
Business Book Mentor

“Nancy's Love Your Business Love Your Life Inner Circle came at the exact right time. To be in 'a room' with other entrepreneurs who are supportive, giving and have expertise in parallel businesses is so valuable. Nancy gives 150% (if not more) and is so focused on your growth. I'm overcoming obstacles (mental and strategic), my sales have increased dramatically from warm referrals (which makes the investment a no brainer), I've created partnerships and collaborations that are moving my business forward in ways I didn't think possible and we are only 4 months in! Best decision I've made in years."

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
Lyndsay Phillips
Podcast Repurposing , CEO, Founder Smooth Sailing Business Growth & Smooth Business Podcasting

"I can’t say enough good things about Nancy Juetten and the Love Your Business, Love Your Life Inner Circle, but I’m going to try. I have been in a fair number of masterminds, coaching programs, cohorts, and business building brain trusts over the years, and I have to say that my experience in Nancy’s group blows them all out of the water!

First of all, Nancy is the most generous and authentic leaders I have ever known. She gives 200% and then gives some more.  And some more. She is a GENIUS when it comes to not only understanding what you and your brand are all about but then distilling that insight into brilliant marketing copy, PR materials, or whatever else you need. I can’t count the number of times she came up with a perfect turn of phrase in real time right off the top of her head for my business. It’s truly magic. And she always has an eye out for how you can stretch a little further to make your dreams come true. She sees you as a unique rockstar and then reflects that back to you in the most powerful way. With her guidance, the scope and vision of my practice has grown in so many ways that I have never been more excited about the road ahead.

And there’s another side to the Inner Circle: Love Your Life. Nancy is committed to making sure that while you’re crushing it in business, the business isn’t crushing you. What’s the point if your career is skyrocketing but your life is a stressful whirlwind of overwhelm? As she says, “let’s put more life in our years not just years in our lives.”

In end though, a mastermind is only as good as its participants. That’s why Nancy is meticulous about vetting everyone who joins the group so that the mix of backgrounds, expertise, business styles, and complementary niches is spot on. The palpable tone that Nancy sets is one of generosity and support for each other. There’s no room for competitive one-upmanship, withholding or posturing. It’s been an honor to rub virtual elbows with other entrepreneurs who are not only super smart and successful but are completely open-handed about helping each other in just about every way you can imagine – from JV partnerships to brainstorming to laser coaching. I have to say, that the members of  this tight-knit group have become my mentors, teachers, cheerleaders and most importantly, my friends. Trust me, there is nothing like this around and by the way, the investment is a small fraction of the exponential value you will get. So if you get the chance to be invited into the Inner Circle, jump at it. Quickly."

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle
Tim Wade
Relationship Coach for Men

Watch What Members Say!

With praise like that, it’s no wonder that the rewards I welcome in my life and work today go a whole lot deeper than how I am paid. 

Theirs do, too.

The real beauty and value come from the amazing experts and service providers who comprise our very special inner circle.

Each of us brings experience, perspectives, know-how, and our own extended network of proven resources.

Together, we are so much better than we can be on our own.

I believe that at some level, we are all longing to belong to a community where our real life is valued as well as what we’ve done for clients and our balance sheets lately.

This is the itch that the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle scratches.

It’s hard to put a price on it.

To say the least, it’s invaluable for those who have been working in isolation for the last few years and are craving real connection with like-minded, aligned souls who can be their sounding boards, champions, copy reviewers, editors, advocates, guides, referral partners, and maybe even service providers to each other.

Consider if this is for you.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

Elevate the company that you keep because going it alone is really hard. Why would you go it alone when help is nearby?

-Nancy Juetten

I am waving the flag for the awesomeness that unfolds when we are well supported in our lives and businesses by remarkable colleagues on a similar journey.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

The value of the group comes from three sources:

This is about being surrounded by high integrity service-based professionals, consultants, experts, and program leaders with established track records of success.

Each encourages the other to reach new success on his/her own best terms in business and in life.

It’s an intimate community where members gather to receive the support, accountability and insights they need to kick their lives and businesses into a much preferred and sustainable new gear.

This isn’t about building a 7-figure empire and managing a huge team. 

It’s about building a lucrative lifestyle business that has white space baked into the calendar so there is plenty of time to love life and the fruits of our labor.

Let me make one thing clear ...

This is not a sales letter! If you need to be sold into it – this is not right for you.

If there’s one lesson I learned from 15 years of working with big corporate clients, luminaries, and aspiring luminaries on the rise, it is that you’ve got to want your results enough to make your goals your priority, no matter what life serves up or which program you join.

That’s why the highest interest I really have is ensuring that only the right people join this special group.

This exclusive opportunity to work together in a very close community is limited to an intimate group of amazing service providers and experts who are committed to going the distance to succeed on their own best terms, even when life gets in the way.

Another Meaningful Point of Differentiation

When you’re a member, you’re not a name on my client roster. You own a slice of my heart. Your commitment to your movement forward ignites my commitment to you. No matter what your challenge, issue, or goal, I’ve got your back. I’ll hold your vision and do whatever I can to support your success.

Business is personal to me. It’s not just a transaction or an exchange of ideas. It’s a relationship. It’s one that I treasure and take seriously.

Some of my best and most trusted friends in life and business are people I met just a few years ago when I invested in a program much like what I am bringing to you now. Those people are Jewels in the Crown in my network still today.

Let me be clear. I am not just seeking clients to benefit from the “features and benefits” of this powerful program.

I am looking to link arms with amazing co-collaborators

who can become Jewels in the Crown in my life and me in theirs.

The intent of the group is not to be about the latest way to launch a product or service, get sales, run a masterclass, or learn to collaborate with partners, although this information will be shared in abundance and more than satisfy your needs in these arenas.

By now you should have a pretty good feel is this is for you or not. 

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

Here are a few more details:

How Many Members

How We’ll Start

Length of the Mastermind



Painting a Picture and Sharing a Point of View about Value

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

Just imagine how you can accelerate your success by being surrounded by others of like mind and motivation to succeed by being part of this exclusive CURATED collective.

What then can be possible for you?

Over the last 20 years, I’ve seen crazy pricing from a host of experts.

I’ve known of people who have depleted their retirement accounts or borrowed huge sums of money with the intention to get a 10X return on their investment within a year.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

This isn’t that kind of mastermind.

My aim is to assign a fair value for the membership to ensure that members are invested in showing up to give and receive value, while making their membership in our community a priority.

When investing in any kind of program, service, or mastermind, it’s always wise to consider your return on investment.

Some of the benefits of THIS mastermind are hard to put a price on, yet invaluable just the same.

Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle

Over the years, I’ve attempted to assemble amazing people to meet regularly without assigning tuition to the effort.

What I’ve come to learn is that members value what they invest into to get the value that is important for them.

I believe in sustainable generosity, the pursuit of mastery, and the quest to be world-class in my approach to client service and care.

Given the value of this experience, the results that clients welcome,  and the relevance of the bonuses I have carefully curated to bridge gaps, meet needs, and exceed expectations, I could charge a lot more for this program. 

Because I want the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle to be more accessible to the right people and make saying YES a no brainer, I believe you’ll find the tuition to be extremely fair and very do-able for you.

That’s why I’ve set the tuition to be meaningful, yet manageable for the established lifestyle entrepreneur who invests in his/her success as a steady diet and gets to take his/her place among us.

Your wise investment is $10,000 for the year-long journey we take together.

You may also elect a payment plan for six months at $850 a month.

I KNOW how much you will LOVE playing your part in this amazing, intimate, and accomplished community and that it doesn't need any bonuses...

And if you love a good bonus bundle, you're in for some extra treats that pack a punch for value and impact.

At this point you have two options.

One, after reading this you opt out. That’s fine.

Second, you want in. If that’s the case, book a VIP chat with me right away.

We’ll chat, coordinate payment, and celebrate.

I’d love to support you in this way and also get to be supported by you and the others who join us.

So, what do you say?

Won’t you join me in this most rewarding adventure to craft the business and life you dream of with a cohort of amazing people much like you who want the same glorious outcomes?

None of us succeeds alone. Together we can achieve so much.

Say YES.

Aiming high and believing in brilliant outcomes, one and all!

Nancy Juetten

📝 The words on this invitation spilled from Nancy’s heart to the page without an assist from Chat GPT.