Virtual training events are a big part of my work. I lead teleclasses and webinars often for groups of inspired entrepreneurs who want to learn how to say bye-bye to those boring bios and get known to get paid for their winning ways. And, filling those events...
Oh the power of Press Release Pizzazz to bring useful news and information to your inbox in perfect timing to benefit from tomorrow’s special live webinar with Master Educator Callan Rush. Join Callan and me tomorrow, Saturday, November 16 at 10 a.m....
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is now Available!
It’s the ultimate guide for experts, speakers and authors to transform their boring bios from wallpaper to wow to attract connections, clients and cash now.
Grab your FREE Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Preview
to get media savvy, media ready and on message to
WOW hosts every time you take the microphone.