Happy New Year! Like many of you, I subscribe to quite a few ezines and pay attention to the work of my colleagues in other parts of the country. Today, I received an ezine from Margie Zable Fisher of Margie Zable Fisher Public Relations with some timely PR resolutions that I think are right on target. Check them out and get into action so 2008 can be truly great.


10 P.R. Resolutions for a Great 2008
by Margie Zable Fisher

  1. I will summarize the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of my business or organization, making sure it works in the current economic environment.

  2. I will create/revise an effective 30-second introduction when meeting new business associates.

  3. I will set up at least two meetings per month with people who inspire and motivate me.

  4. I will research and participate in a charity activity, or increase my involvement in an existing one.

  5. I will always carry my business cards (even when I go to the gym). And I’ll also ask my spouse (or significant other) to carry my business cards — so he/she can give my card to his/her contacts or can help me out if I run out of them.

  6. I will write at least one guest column, or obtain at least one speaking opportunity per quarter to promote my business.

  7. I will apply for at least one award to promote myself and my business.

  8. I will review my Web site and marketing materials often, at least once a month, to determine the need for updates.

  9. I will create a contact strategy so that I am communicating with customers, prospects and associates at least once a month through newsletters, calls, direct mail, etc.

  10. I will search out ongoing publicity opportunities to positively promote my business or organization.

It’s a shiny new year.  Get into action so you can get into the media spotlight and see what magic you can create for your growing business.