Mentor Nancy Juetten
You really can make a big name for yourself and welcome the rewards you seek … premium clients, speaking gigs, media opportunities, and CONTROL OVER YOUR DESTINY.
Since 2001, I’ve guided thousands of action taking clients around the globe like you to take powerful steps to Get Known and Paid for their expertise. Along the way, I have created big buzz for my own expertise and built a profitable training/mentoring business and a great quality of life.
If you want to achieve these or even better results, saving months or years of time, toil, and trouble, I can help light your way.
You won’t get lost in the crowd working with me because of this simple PROFOUND and abiding belief:
There is no greater gift than to see, hear, celebrate, help, and champion big success for those willing to roll up their sleeves to do the work. This philosophy underscores every move I make in service to action-taking clients on missions for good and profit.

Since 2009, Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook Author, Podcast Guesting Success Expert, and Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle Leader Nancy Juetten has upgraded bios for speakers, experts, and authors who once struggled to broadcast their brilliance on paper or online. That workbook served as her magic carpet to make a favorable name for herself in the transformational coaching space. Over the years, Nancy has earned loyal fans, followers, joint venture partnerships, and clients who value her “all of the help and none of the hype” advice. She is the creator of the Podcast Dream Guest Mastery online course and also bundles this course with her done for you media one sheet service to empower messengers world-wide to book themselves on top podcasts without hiring an expensive booking agency. She continues to create winning solutions to problems that emerge during big pivots in the marketplace and in life. Her Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle is one such example. In doing so, she runs a rewarding six-figure business and lives a life she loves without pursuing marketing strategies that feel mis-aligned or cringe-worthy. She’s a big fan of podcast guesting, and if she has anything to say about it, soon you will be, too!
A More Personal Bio:
In 2022, Nancy Juetten overcame a life-threatening health challenge that gave her a renewed commitment to living her best life and running her best business — right now. She’s on a mission to connect with and empower leaders and inspired messengers who are equally passionate about making every moment count. As the leader of the Love Your Business – Love Your Life Inner Circle and creator of the Podcast Dream Guest Mastery Online Course and the Get Podcast Ready with Nancy Juetten program, Nancy empowers leaders and inspired messengers how to book themselves on top podcasts without the need for expensive booking agencies. Her practical, sassy, and results-driven approach helps clients amplify their voices, attract big opportunities, and grow thriving businesses. When she’s not guiding messengers to shine, Nancy is soaking up the Tucson sun and living her best life with her love-of-her-life husband, Steve.
Nancy’s Personality Profile — Just for Fun:
Sassy Sound Bite:
- “Impossible things are happening every day.” — The Fairy Godmother to Cinderella
High School Crowd
- I was the bookish, hard-working editor of my high school newspaper who did a lot more reporting about others than making news of my own.
Something Surprising…
- Sometimes, people who meet me in person for the first time after consulting with me by phone tell me it is a big surprise to see how tall I am. One person said that she had this idea in her head that I was five foot two. She said, “Why didn’t you tell me you were the Jolly Green Giant?” I stand just under six feet tall in my bare feet.
Biggest Indulgence
- Driving my grocery cart down the aisles at Whole Foods and putting amazing and delicious things into my basket without looking at the price — always a pleasure!
Weirdest Habit
- Sometimes, I get so absorbed in my work that it is 3 p.m. and I haven’t yet had lunch. That’s why this “self care” thing needs to be a higher priority.
Workplace Perk
- Going to work wearing my pajamas and getting to play with my puppy between assignments.

- Nancy knows how to keep a secret. As a nine-year-old, Nancy figured out how many licks it took to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. She earned a certificate from the company president for her accomplishment, and she’ll never share the answer.
- Nancy ran a half-marathon the year she turned 40. She traveled 175 miles in training over three months leading up to the race, even though she had hardly run more than three miles at a time prior. The lessons she learned about how to apply passion, time, and discipline toward achieving big goals informs every move she makes as a business owner, wife, parent, and friend today.
- “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield is among Nancy’s favorite business books.
- In her bare feet, Nancy stands just under six feet tall.
Nancy’s Education:
Nancy earned Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with a marketing emphasis from California State University at Northridge. Here the seeds for a promising career in public relations and communications took root. She earned thousands of dollars toward her self-funded college education by entering essay contests and winning.