Hot Topics that Inspire, Delight, and Ignite Action Among Aspiring Speakers and Thought Leaders Worldwide:
- I.G.N.I.T.E. Courage to Be the Expert You Always Knew You Could Be — Before the Dream Squashers and Naysayers Told You “No”
- Transform Your Boring Bio from Wallpaper to Wow to Attract Clients, Speaking Gigs, and Media Interviews Now
- 3 Joint Venture Blunders Even Smart Entrepreneurs Make that Keep Them Stuck at the Starting Gate
- 3 Press Release Potholes for Emerging Experts to Sidestep to Get Known and Paid, Starting Now
- Don’t wait a moment longer to prepare your message for big opportunities that can pay off big time, starting now.
Watch this Video: If you’ve been waiting to prepare your message until everything in life and business is done or perfect, you may miss your golden moment when it lands at in your inbox, answering machine, or at the next networking event. Don’t let this happen to you. During this 20 inspiring and memorable minutes, Nancy Juetten shares three powerful REAL LIFE stories from the Get Known to Get Paid trenches. She demonstrates with a wink and a grin why it matters to get ready for BIG opportunities before opportunity knocks. The big payoff you may be dreaming of can become your REAL LIFE scenario — starting now — if you lean into the big dream and behave as it were true already.
–Tiamo De Vettori
“Your stage performance was flawless, inspiring and valuable. You were my favorite guest-speaker because of your brilliant ability to intertwine valuable modeling of what you are teaching WHILE sharing relate-able humble stories from your life. I was with you on your lounge-chair wearing just a bathing-suit with ice-tea in one hand, Oprah’s magazine on your lap, and Brene Brown’s book on a table on the side while taking THE phone call. Hope to see you more often on stages in SoCAL!”
— Sylvia Becker-Hill
“Your presentation was a highlight of the speaker’s conference. You get my ‘Stand Out Speaker’ award. Articulate, clear, brief, helpful!”
— Marilyn Miller
“Nancy Juetten is a master of messaging and a humble, loving spirit whose personality shines through on stage. I was wow’ed by her wisdom and loved how she seamlessly brought in fun stories to illuminate her message. So often you get speakers who talk about their low points (e.g. “I woke up in a pool of my own blood . . .) But Nancy is refreshing, creative and chock full of advice. She’s a poet who doesn’t know it — and I loved, loved, loved it.”
— Michele Moreno | Business Coach & Entertainer

Business Bio Expert and Get Known to Get Paid™ Mentor Nancy Juetten is a storyteller, engaging workshop leader, and creator of road-tested tools that show emerging business experts how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Thousands of action-oriented experts attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention as a direct result of tips she shares to advance their success.
Nancy’s Speaker Introduction:
Get Known to Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten is on a mission to guide a million business experts in English speaking nations around the world to prepare and share their magnetic marketing messages so they can get known and paid for their winning ways. She guides aspiring and thriving business owners, authors and experts to name, claim, and communicate their expertise so premium clients see their value and gladly invest in their products, programs and services.
The author of the popular Bye-Bye Boring Bio workbook, Nancy knows a thing or two about preparing and sharing stories to get known and paid. Since finding the courage to say “bye-bye” to her former career as a publicist in 2009 and “hello” to a new business built on her Get Known-Get Paid expertise, Nancy Juetten has grown her community to just shy of 20,000 loyal fans, followers, and clients — many who are also finding the courage to reinvent their own businesses and step forward to welcome the credibility, visibility and profitability they seek. She is proud to call Millionaire Maker Loral Langemeier, Master Trainer to Virtual Trainers Alex Mandossian, and Transformation Catalyst Christine Kloser among her most appreciative clients. Today Nancy’s Get Known to Get Paid products, programs, and mentoring programs serve happy clients and aspiring luminaries around the world.
Her expertise has been showcased in hundreds of prestigious media outlets including Bloomberg Businessweek, Fox News, and the American City Business Journals to name a few. She regularly contributes her sassy sound bites to scores and scores of radio broadcasts, worldwide webinars, and live stages from Seattle to Colorado to California . Joint venture partners in the transformational coaching industry describe her as a Joint Venture Leaderboard Topping Angel because she frequently delivers credible influence that drives sales for her partners and commissions to her mailbox.
A word wizard who helps business owners make their points with pizzazz, Nancy’s clients describe her as “all of the help and none of the hype” and “self-esteem in a can.” She sprays it, and fabulous things about you are in the air for everyone to see. You feel better, potential clients find you more appealing, and you look and sound like a professional. Just like that.
Join with me in giving Nancy Juetten a warm welcome.
Since 2006, Nancy has addressed the clients of Puget Sound-based corporations including Eastside Commercial Bank and Go Mobile Advertising. She has been interviewed by teleseminar and webiner by leading internet marketing experts around the globe and hosted dozens of tuition-based Sizzling Speaker Sheet Workshops, VIP Raise Your Voice – Make Your Impact Dinner Masterminds and Get Known to Get Paid Retreats for business owners who are serious about welcoming those results.
Her presentations consistently earn rave reviews from of a wide range of professional organizations and event producers:
- 2016 – Spotlight Speaker at Tiamo De Vettori’s Fearless Speaker Emergence Live Event in San Diego
- 2016 – Contributing Expert on the Webinar Mastery Series with Michael Bloom and Jon Schumacher
- 2016 – Kick-Off Speaker for Mark Porteous’ Magnify Your Message Online Workshop Series
- 2016 – Kick-Off Speaker for Beyond Bastyr University Video Series for Graduates
- 2016 – Debut of Nancy Juetten’s Get Your Sizzling Speaker Sheet Virtual Workshop
- 2016 – Speaker at the Speaker Success Summit in Woodinville, WA produced by Erin Loman Jeck
- 2016 – Speaker for Renton Chapter of the Business and Professional Women
- 2015 and 2014 – Frequent Guest Expert on Telesummits and Webinars Serving Coaches, Authors, and Experts Worldwide
- 2013 eWomenNetwork International Conference and Business Expo, Dallas, Texas
- 2013 Brandy and Vinca’s Client Attraction Marketing Boot Camp, Pleasant Hill, CA
- 2013 Client Attraction Secrets LIVE – Denver, CO
- 2012 National Speakers Association Winter Conference – Dallas, Texas
- 2012 Six Figure Solopreneur Secrets Live – Denver, CO
- Worldwide Telesummits and Webinars to Thousands of People
- eWomenNetwork Womens Business Exchange, Women Business Owners, and Women Entrepreneurs of Oregon
- Chamber of Commerce – Bellevue, Sammamish, Kirkland, Renton, Fremont, Edmonds, and Northgate Seattle Graphic Artists Guild
- Kirkland Downtown Rotary
- North Seattle Community College Network Breakfast
- National Association of Professional Organizers – NAPO – Seattle
- Money Wise Business Women Conference
- Factoria and Redmond Rotary
- Seattle Design Center – Third Thursday
Puget Sound Coaches Association - The Village Bellevue
- Columbia Tower Club Women in Business Group
- Biznik
- ThinkBizNW
- Ladies Who Launch – Seattle
- Marketing with a Book Summit
- The Know-Like-Trust Online Event Hosted by Bill Baren Coaching
- SpeakerMatch Radio
- Constant Contact
Sample Nancy Juetten by Audio:
How to Reinvent During Tough Times and Create a
Six-Figure Business in Three Years or Less
Nancy J Unplugged
How to Create Multiple Streams of Revenue, Even When Math
and Technology aren’t Your Favorite Things
an Engaging Interview with Emmy Award Winning Writer/
Producer and Beatles Expert Bill Stainton and Nancy Juetten.
Note about Speaking Fees:
Nancy is happy to work within your budget and customize her content to delight your audiences and inspire their success. She welcomes invitations to speak beyond the Puget Sound region and to share her content by teleseminar, webinar, and workshop format.
Pro Bono Speaking Requests:
Given availability, pro bono speaking opportunities are welcome provided certain requirements are met.
To schedule Nancy S. Juetten to speak for your organization and its visibility-seeking members, send e-mail to nancy@getknowngetpaid.com or call 425-641-5214.