February 2 marked the 17th year of me starting my business, and my oh my, what a journey it has been.

Step by step and sometimes in a leaps and bounds kind of way, I have created a successful business that serves speakers and experts around the world.

I never bought into the ‘six figures in 20 minutes’ hype that is served up so often today as the path to fast success. Mine has been a steady and deliberate journey to credibility, visibility, and profitability. A lot of that has to do with acquiring confidence along the way.

Unlike so many people who come out of the gate with high tuition programs — perhaps before they have the credibility and experience to deliver on their promises —  I took a step by step approach to building my business because confidence took a while to build as a transitioned from being a public relations agency owner to an online entrepreneur.

Having invested in mentors and programs over the years, I’ve acquired skills and abilities to fill in gaps in my skill set. I’ve worked hard to stay up to date on best practices that are also in alignment with what feels right to me. In doing so, I have been of service to my clients and my community in a fast changing world on Internet commerce without selling my soul in the process.

By doing this in my own best way, I’ve been lucky to support and serve literally hundreds of happy clients with unwavering championship to get the results they came for.

I don’t regret my journey for a minute because this was my path to travel, and there is no doubt about my credibility or confidence now.

I’ve ‘been there, done that, and earned the t-shirt’ as I’ve grown my business from a simple idea to a thriving company.
Humbled by my disappointments and failures, I have kept on going to appreciate the successes that flow from staying with it.
I still connect with what it feels like to struggle, fail, and get back up again which is why I can be such a great champion for those with whom I work very closely.

With inspired action, I made a lot of magic happen for my clients and have the testimonials and tribe of DEVOTEES to prove it.

Get Known Get Paid

So far, I …

>> Wrote a book (and got featured as a contributing author in a few more)
>> Created information products that sell
>> Launched and sustained this ezine
>> Got known through the power of publicity
>> Grew my list to 20,000 +
>> Became a highly sought after and results producing joint venture partner
>> Networked at the right events to connect with icons of influence who have helped my star to rise
>> Tended to my mindset (not to be underestimated …)
>> Launched, revised and upgraded a website as change has unfolded, because it always does
>> Created a strong presence on social media
>> Started and grew a Facebook group that rocks
>> Spoke a lot to earn more – webinars, telesummits, podcasts and the live stage and everything in between and beyond
>> Got my sizzling speaker demo reel and speaker sheet done and dialed (and supported hundreds more to do this, too!)
>> Sold myself and my skills to invite opportunities to serve clients and organizations
>> Hosted live events such as dinner masterminds and tuition based workshops
>> Worked one-on-one with clients to create success stories and proof behind every promise
>> Launched and served clients in a group leveraged program that delivers on every promise that boasts hundreds of happy graduates who got what they came for and more!

It’s been a lot to learn and do over time, and I’ve stepped up over time to do it.

That’s why 2018 is my year to step up and serve at the highest level because my experience so far has prepared me to do exactly that.

The wine comes to its perfect time when it is ready and not before. That time for me is now.

I am curating an amazing group of eight amazing “movers and shakers” to link arms with me starting in April of Get Known Get Paidthis year to collectively raise our voices and make our impact in big, bold ways.

If you are serious about climbing under my wing so you can take action to speak more, earn more, and rock your business as a VIP or ELITE member  (ELITE includes PRIVATE COACHING!)  of the Raise Your Voice – Make Your Impact Inner Circle that will be starting in early April 2018, I want to hear from you.

This close community of rapid get it done rock stars will be linking arms and lifting each other up as we climb to visibility, authority, and profitability together!

This is the link to visit to determine if this carefully crafted invitation is right for you.

Reach out by email at nancy@getknowngetpaid.com or by private message to tell me “This is exactly what I need and I want to claim my place.”

Well schedule a chat to make sure this is a best fit match.