MilanaJpegBy Milana Leshinsky

It’s amazing how many reasons there are for a list owner to promote you. And the great thing about this for you is that they just need one reason. Read through the list below and see if you can identify some great reasons you can give business owners to promote you!

1. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT RECOMMENDING A GREAT RESOURCE! List owners take pride in and have a responsibility to their email subscribers. They want to share tremendous value with their list. If your free report or product makes the list owner look good, they would be happy to share it.

2. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GENERATE PASSIVE INCOME. Business owners love passive income. It’s why they create products, have websites, and run automated webinars and teleseminars. If you can position the idea of them promoting you as, “I’ll do all the work and you get half the money,” they’ll see it as a great passive income opportunity.

3. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO ADD GREAT VALUE TO THEIR NEWSLETTER OR BLOG. Business owners who publish a newsletter or a blog are in constant need of quality content. It saves them time and they’re happy to publish a great article they didn’t have to write, while getting you exposure.

4. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO FEATURE AN EXPERT ON A TOPIC THEY DON’T TEACH THEMSELVES. Business owners usually focus on one, or just a few, areas of expertise. If your product or program complements what they do, it can be a great reason for them to share you with their list.

5. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE SEEN AS RESOURCEFUL AND WELL-CONNECTED IN THEIR INDUSTRY. When list owners share resources of their peers, they look abundant and generous. Entrepreneurs also love being seen as the “hub” in their industry and having access to useful information, resources, and experts who can solve problems.

6. BECAUSE THEY LIKE YOU AND WANT TO SUPPORT YOU. This can be a slam dunk to a “yes” if you have great rapport with a list owner. People who like you want to help you. That’s why it’s important to connect with potential partners on a personal level before asking for support.

7. BECAUSE THEY REALLY LIKE YOUR PRODUCT OR PROJECT. The reason that JVs work so well is the transfer of trust and rapport. If a business owner can give a first-hand testimonial about how awesome your stuff is, then it’s an easy referral for them to make and it will probably convert really well. An enthusiastic endorsement about your product can translate into a great promotional opportunity.

8. BECAUSE THEY FEEL LIKE THEIR CLIENTS REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. Business owners want, and need, their clients to succeed. If you provide a super-easy way for them to put a solution into their clients’ hands, then recommending you should be a no-brainer. We have even seen business owners buy copies of programs to give their clients. Make sure your product or program is super helpful to the clients of those who could recommend you.

9. BECAUSE YOUR WEB SITE LOOKS GREAT AND PROFESSIONAL! If your web site looks outdated, sloppy, or unprofessional, it’s tough for a business owner to send their audience to your site. But on the other hand, if your site looks amazing, then the business owner can be proud to send people there. Make sure your web site looks top notch!

10. BECAUSE YOU HAVE A GREAT ENERGY AND ARE EASY TO WORK WITH. Great energy and enthusiasm are contagious. So get excited about your product or service and how much it helps people and how generous you are with your commissions!

11. BECAUSE YOU PURCHASED THEIR PRODUCT OR JOINED THEIR PROGRAM. Clients and customers are top priority for most business owners. That’s why it’s a lot easier to get noticed and get promoted by someone whose product you invested in. So if there’s someone you want to partner with, buy their product first!

12. BECAUSE YOU HAVE A UNIQUE PRODUCT. You can impress and inspire list owners with your product and the way it’s delivered. If you have something they haven’t seen before, they’re more likely to take a closer look and consider sharing it with their audience. You might even consider giving them a free copy or access to your product.

13. BECAUSE YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY HIGHER COMMISSIONS THAN MOST. If a business owner knows they will be earning more money with you than someone else, that can be enough to get a “Yes!” from them. Remember that keeping 25% of a sale you would not have had is better than keeping 100% of no sale. Plus, you can always offer another product for “back-end” revenue.

14. BECAUSE YOU HELPED OUT AT THEIR EVENT. Reciprocity is a wonderful thing. I’ll scratch your back, and maybe now you will be more inclined to scratch mine. Helping out a leader at their event can be satisfying on many levels. Not only that, but they are more likely to get to know you and consider helping you because you have helped them.

15. BECAUSE YOU PROMOTED THEIR PRODUCT OR PROGRAM. One fast way to get the attention of a big list owner is to sell a bunch of their product or program. You can even be direct with them that you would really love their support and just wanted to show them some support first. A bonus is that you might earn some nice commissions in addition to getting a great promo partner to support you.

16. BECAUSE YOUR SALES PAGE IS WELL-WRITTEN AND LOOKS LIKE IT WILL CONVERT! If a partner looks at your sales process and it’s less than awesome, they may feel like working with you will be a waste of a mailing to their list. So impress them with your sales process, invest into creating great copy!

17. BECAUSE YOU OFFERED GREAT JV PRIZES AND THEY WANT TO WIN. Most list owners love winning prizes and being on leaderboards. If you can come up with some exciting prizes to offer and some social proof of other people promoting you, you might have some amazing people going all out to win your launch or sell a bunch of copies of your program.

18. BECAUSE YOU’VE BEEN A RESOURCE FOR THEM AND OFFERED HELP IN THE PAST. Most successful business people have good hearts, and if you’ve helped them out in the past, it’s likely they will want to help you back. Promoting you to their list can be an easy way for them to show appreciation. When you’ve got your ducks in a row, ask that person you’ve helped in the past.

19. BECAUSE A MUTUAL FRIEND RECOMMENDED YOU TO THEM. Potential JV partners may feel much more likely to help you if a mutual friend has suggested they work with you. It creates instant trust and gets you ahead of the line a lot faster than if you were a complete stranger. Check your Facebook and LinkedIn connections to see if you have any shared friends.

20. BECAUSE YOU COMPLIMENTED THEM ON THEIR BOOK, ARTICLE, OR IDEA! Successful big list business owners are people, too, and appreciate a sincere compliment as much as the next person. If you can be specific with your compliments, they will feel like you truly got their message and they were heard.

21. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SUPPORT YOUR MISSION. If your product or program has a strong message that resonates with a list owner, they are likely to write an inspired email to their list, sharing how important your message is and directing them to you. You might search social media and blogs to see if any big list owners feel strongly about your topic.

22. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO APPEAR ON YOUR PODCAST, INTERNET RADIO SHOW, OR YOUR TV SHOW ON YOUTUBE. Exposure is a great thing for a business owner. If you have an audience that you can put the business owner in front of, they will very likely be a guest of yours. And if they feel passionately about the topic or the way it is shared, there’s a good chance they will let their list know about their appearance on your network.

It really is amazing that there are so many ways to get the attention and commitment of a business owner to share you with their audience. The great thing about this for you is that they just need ONE good reason to shoot out a quick email (or several) to their list. Best of luck to you as you approach and get promotional support from your colleagues, peers, and competitors!

FB Ad Blue Sky Expert Profit Formula_oAbout the Author: Milana Leshinsky along with her business partner Rich German created the JV Insider Circle, the world’s leading joint venture community for coaches, authors, speakers, and experts. To discover more tips and strategies on how to grow your business using joint venture partnerships, get a FREE copy of their report, “Experts Profit Formula” at this link.