I got a call this afternoon from Publici-Tea™ graduate Wallis Pattisonn, who was preparing her key messages and bio for a fast upcoming radio interview.   With an impressive and interesting background, Wallis was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of preparing something brief and compelling that would be perfect to serve the radio station audience.

To ease her pain, I guided her to consider four key elements that comprise the perfect approach to saying “Bye-Bye Boring Bio” and “Hello to a Great Opportunity.”

  1. Stunning results
  2. Succinct stories
  3. Sassy sound bites
  4. Social information to help your ideal customers connect

Then, I shared a recent example I pulled off on the fly for Publici-Tea™ graduate Bette James Laughrun, who was in the same situation.   Less than 30 minutes later, Wallis emailed the bio she wrote herself.  It reads well and covers the four key elements.

Wallis Pattisonn delivers an inspiring, engaging and empowering message for those people struggling with debt and trying to make ends meet. As a result of many years of being in debt and struggling with issues around money, Wallis knows what it is like to face the unwelcome phone calls and the knocks on the door. Through the valuable information that has been acquired over more than three decades in the financial Industry, people are inspired to live bold, vibrant and prosperous lives by applying the simple straightforward and effective information she shares on her newly released CD.  “Credit Rating Exposed” leads those who want to solve their debt and are inspired to change their lives through simple, straightforward, and effective steps. There are many debt repair specialists in the marketplace — most wanting to get you in the door so they can separate you from your money or what little you have left. Wallis’  CD offers all the information you need to solve your problems.  This is not a slick sales tactic to get you to buy more.  This information is designed to empower you to help yourself for very little cost. Wallis’s most popular saying is ‘Suffering is optional Choose Wisely.’ Be at the cause of your life,  not at the affect of it.

Wallis Pattisonn
Abundant Habits
Learning to Attract Abundance

How is your bio reading today?   If you were called to do a radio interview tomorrow, would yours be ready, or would you be scrambling to pull something fabulous together on the fly?

Don’t delay.  Follow the recipe above to organize your accomplishments in a winning way, and you’ll always be ready for the next inteview that offers you the opportunity to share your message in a one-to-many fashion with impact and efficiency.  Then, you can invite more of the right opportunities and more of the abundance you seek in your life and business.

And, if you need some help in the abundance department, perhaps Wallis Pattisonn can show you the way.