June 3, 2019 — Bellingham, WA –  Life Goes on Roadmap™ Co-Founders Nancy Juetten and Steve Juetten — a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™ 5 Personal Finance Blind Spots that Get Families in Trouble When The Rubber Meets the Road in LifeProfessional — share 5 personal finance blind spots that get families in trouble when the rubber meets the road in life via a content rich webinar that can be viewed anytime and anywhere.

The Juetten duo supports families in getting their personal finances organized so they can take control and drive their lives forward in the event of any of the Big D’s — disease, disability, diminished mental capacity, divorce, dis-empowerment, or death. They want couples and families to get on equal footing for those occasions when life serves up a bump in the road.

“Many people fear leaving a big mess for their family to clean up later, should something random or crazy happen to them.  Life Goes on Roadmap™ solves this problem in an engaging, empowering, and practical way,” Juetten says.

Among the top mistakes families make are as follows:

  1. No central safe place to save information.
  2. Missing key information.
  3. Not keeping information current.
  4. Keeping family members in the dark or choosing to stay there.
  5. Not making time and paying the consequences.

“It’s striking to see how many women we hear from who tell us that they are managing the finances and their husbands are reluctant to get involved,” Juetten said. “We want couples to gain equal access, power and control so either can step up when it counts,” she said.

“‘Head in the Sand-Itus’ can have serious consequences when a spouse dies unexpectedly and leaves the other spouse dis-empowered to manage the day to day details of life like bill paying, turning off the water, power and gas in an emergency, knowing where to find the passports, and even how to access and manage investment accounts. It’s a serious problem that causes families a lot of drama, trauma and chaos at the worst possible times,” Nancy Juetten says.

Access the free webinar via this link.

About Life Goes on Roadmap™

5 Personal Finance Blind Spots that Get Families in Trouble When The Rubber Meets the Road in LifeLife Goes on Roadmap is an affordable and empowering toolkit to organize personal finance information  so family members have power, access, and control, before any of the Big  D’s — disease, disability, diminished mental capacity, divorce, dis-empowerment, or death get in the way. Users welcome peace of mind when they organize important contacts, service providers, insurance information, bank or credit union accounts, investments, credit cards, and more so the information is accessible when and where it is needed, while starting important conversations that may have been delayed for years. Life Goes on Roadmap elevates the process of getting organized to be a game to win instead of an administrative task to put off until later, while bringing families together to have important conversations. The co-founders lead live virtual Get It Done days to hold clients accountable for completing their roadmaps, and the next one is coming up on June 15, 2019. Replays are always provided so customers can complete their roadmaps with expert support on a schedule that works for their busy lives.

About the Co-Founders:

Steve Juetten is principal of Juetten Personal Financial Planning, LLC. He’s a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional. Nancy Juetten is the Get It Done Guide who won’t let procrastination prevent her clients from getting ahead of what what life may serve up along the way so they gain power, access, and control when it really counts. This is a company that guides families to organize their crucial personal financial information so they can keep driving, even after a bump in the road. Their mission is to touch one million families, and it is going to happen one webinar and one live virtual Get It Done Day at a time.  Register for the anytime/anywhere webinar via this link.

Make purchases of Life Goes on Roadmap for yourself and family members at www.lifegoesonroadmapNOW.com.

Reach Nancy by phone or email at 425 641 5214 or nancy@lifegoesonroadmap.com.
