To accelerate success, I am offering a new gift booklet entitled “Heal Your Boring Business Bio to Attract Clients Now – The Bio Doc Shows You How” so grab it here.
Most bio blunders can be healed fast. Here are quick tips to bring in the relief.
1) Don’t try to be all things to all people. For example, a financial planner who helps busy career professionals take care of their money so they can have more time to do what they love is going to attract more clients than the planner who says she serves everyone or no one in particular.
2) Don’t bury the lead. Don’t start with your long and winding journey to finally arrive at this work you do and then mention who you serve and how they can engage in the fourth paragraph. Lead with compelling results clients welcome first for better client attraction.
3) Put clothes on that emperor. Some business owners describe themselves in lofty terms without providing proof of their claims. Juetten says, “Specifics are terrific.” Don’t claim to be a best-selling author if you’ve only sold ten books, and seven of them are to family and friends.
4) Don’t underestimate the value of a sassy sound bite. Personality packs a punch, and it can be persuasive and powerful for attracting perfect clients. For example, ‘Investing should be like watching paint dry. If you are getting an adrenaline rush, you are doing something wrong’ is an example that will be appealing to a specific group of clients that appreciates a drama-free investment philosophy.
5) Offer a call to action. If you want your client to call to request an appointment, display the phone number on the website home page to make it easy for the client to call.
I’ve guided thousands of entrepreneurs to upgrade their bios for client attraction since the 2009 debut of my book — Bye-Bye Boring Bio. Don’t forget to grab your gift booklet here.