Thanks to Publicity Hound Joan Stewart’s recent Twitter post — also known as a Tweet — on stellar customer service, I found this compelling post that shares 50 things your customers wished you knew.  Since most business owners are in the hunt for more perfect customers as 2009 gets up to speed, check them out at this link to see the opportunities Sonia Simone has shared to help you deliver better service.

I always say that one of the best way to earn referrals to new customers is to deliver extraordinary service and results to the clients you have.  This list offers useful and timely inspiration.  Enjoy and share with others who can benefit.

And, you can follow me on Twitter at this link.  Please do as I offer lots of useful tips and resources to contribute to your DIY publicity and business success there.   One of the cool things about Twitter is you absolutely have to get to the meat of the matter in 140 characters or less.  That’s a good skill to develop as you share news and insights with others about how you serve others through your business.

This blog post is coming to you as a direct result of a Tweet from Publicity Hound Joan Stewart.  Just imagine what other magic is waiting for you and your business just by following a leader you like, trust, and respect.

I just got started with Twitter late in 2008.  Now, I’ve set a goal to earn a meaningful following.  Won’t you join me there?