Since I’ve been selling my line of Authentic Visibility do-it-yourself publicity information products for just about two years, I’ve already created the forms I need to share at speaking engagements and workshops to make it easy for guests to purchase what they need and benefit from these DIY publicity tools.

Paul AndersonA day or two ago, Paul Anderson, one of my Publici-Tea™ graduates sent me an email, asking for my order form so he could adapt it for his own needs.  I was happy to send it to him, and he enjoyed good results. Here is what he had to say by email with all the exclamation points noted for emphasis:

“Thank you NANCY! I spoke at the Worksource Office in Lynnwood in front of 51 people and used your order form to collect almost everyone’s email address and a couple of folks actually signed up for my largest package. I did no selling and they still bought! The turnout was great. The director of program resources was actually one to sign up. She said in her entire career as a career counselor and unemployment officer she’s never heard better content than what I presented. A lot of people signed up for my event tomorrow just to come hear me speak again! I’m going to read your blog posts about successfully promoting business events and let you know how it goes. So far the word of mouth has been traveling very fast, and it’s amazing to have great resources such as yourself in my network! Thanks again Nancy!!!

Paul Anderson
Career Consultant – Speaker – Sales Training – Career Services

If you have a need to capture the right information from your workshop guests without having to recreate the wheel, just send me an email at with your request for my already created form. Then, you can adapt it for your own needs in record time so you can enjoy quality results such as those Paul Anderson has already reported.

More success with greater ease is my wish for you.  As always, I am happy to help.

And, if you want to achieve lasting excellence from the inside out with the Prolongo team on YOUR team, check out what Paul Anderson can offer by visiting this site.