If you’ve self-published a book and want the world to know about it, check out this site.

bookstore.jpgThe copy at Selling Books reads, “Whether you are an aspiring writer, a multi-published author or an independent publisher, you have come to the right place. You will find lots of free information to help you in the next step of your publishing project: writing, production or promotion. And you will also find a number of books, audio programs, special reports, teleseminars and other resources.  Be sure to return often, as we will have new articles and resources added all the time.”

I read about this site first from an email from creator Cathy Stucker, who is also the mastermind behind Blogger Link Up a few weeks ago and was quick to submit my photo and interview answers in connection with Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide for her consideration.  Today, my interview appears on the site.  Check it out.

Authentic Visibility Tips of the Day:

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, one thing you know for sure is that I don’t just offer advice.  I practice what I preach.

As always, the big difference between earning attention for your efforts and the alternative is that those who act typically get what they want.  Are you ready for some action today?  If so, why not submit your story about your book to this site?  You just might welcome some new fans and followers and invite some new book sales today!