The conversations at Extreme Bio Makeover Salon page at Facebook are alive and inspiring, and I’d love for you to join us.  To make it super enticing for you, here is my offer.

“Like” the Extreme Bio Makeover fan page by Sunday, July 31, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win your very own printed copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide (a $49 value) and the two Authentic Visibility Publicity Tips Booklets (value $10) that are packed with 147 powerful ways to boost your profits and build your business through the power of free publicity absolutely FREE!  I’ll choose two lucky people to win.

Here’s how you can qualify:

  1. Take five seconds from your day
  2. “Like” Extreme Bio Makeover fan page by Sunday, July 31.
  3. Make a comment or share a link to your own online bio
  4. All those who “Like” this page are eligible to win, provided they make a comment or share a link to their online bio

That’s it! What could be easier? Five seconds gives you the inside scoop on how to prepare your story so the right people will listen so you can get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPENSATED for your expert status.

Everyone at the Extreme Bio Makeover Salon will then be able to read more about YOU with ease and speed.  That could very well invite more of the right clients to do business with you sooner versus later.

And, when you are among the two people to win, you’ll receive popular and well-reviewed tools that can help you prepare your story in an even more compelling way than you are sharing it now.

Everyone is a winner here.

So what are you waiting for?   Come on over to Extreme Bio Makeover Salon and enter today!   There are 70 “Likes” on this new page today.  How fast can that total grow?  Can’t wait to report back on August 1 with the results.