Home-based entrepeneurs wage a daily battle as they serve their families, their clients, and themselves. Here is a link to a compilation of 95 from-the-trenches tips that people swimming in that boat have discovered as they continue to navigate the sometimes rocky waters. (My tip is #5 on this list.)
My husband Steve and I both work from home, parent our son, serve our clients, make sure the dog gets a walk, and still find a few minutes for each other. It’s not an easy path we travel, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
What are the tips you have discovered to help YOU keep the balance as you work AND live from home? Share your best tips here so the rest of us can benefit from the wisdom of YOUR experience!
Speaking of working from home, I’d be honored to earn your vote in the Start Up Nation 100 Home Based Business Contest. I’ve entered in the “Recession Buster” category. You can read my profile and post your vote at this link. I am all for getting seen, heard, and celebrated — with a little help from my readers! Thanks for your support.