I just stumbled upon a site called www.womenforhire.com that caught my attention. The site features videos of dynamic women with tips and suggestions to empower others’ success. In just ten minutes, I watched a number of sassy videos that showcased successful business women and their useful tips for success.

If you’ve been thinking about sharing your expertise and inspiring business success story with the world to a site that boasts 250,000 unique visitors each month, this could be a great place to start. Before you do anything more, visit www.womenforhire.com and watch some of the videos posted to the site to get a clear picture of the quality of the information each expert shares. Then, if you are convinced you have value to add, connect with Peter@womenforhire.com to share a brief email about your story and tips.

I just sent him a brief email to recommend a number of my best clients, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Are you going to follow this tip and see what happens next for YOUR business? If so, keep me posted about your success, and it will be my pleasure to blog about it!