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Phenomenal – Funny – Beautiful – Powerful – Enjoyable – Impactful – Confident – Strong – so amazing – I LOVED your talk – thank you – Speaking your truth is awesome!!!! And how happy are you internally? Peaceful. Courageous!!! You are my hero in a thousand ways and a thousand more after that! May you be blessed with excellent health!! Boring and Unremarkable!!! Love you to bits!

Margie Dunki-Jacobs

Your speech brought the house down! It was beautiful, vulnerable, and full of life’s lessons. Your talk was inspiring. You are inspiring.

Nancy, you were Divinely guided when you delivered this talk. It touched every single person in such a deep way that it earned you a well-deserved standing ovation. Congratulations! You truly are a heart centered power influencer.

Terry Wildemann

🔥You were on fire. 🔥We laughed. We cried. We were inspired.🎉


🔥The talk was fantastic! The message is essential. Keep shining your light.

Mark Porteous

You were amazing!
Ellen Finkelstein

I am so happy I was able to be in the audience and witness your brilliance! xoxo
Susan O'Malley

You were completely inspiring … such a gifted and authentic speaker. I am honored and grateful, and the world is blessed to have you in it! ❤️
Diann Alexander

I was one of the 80 people giving you a standing, well deserved ovation!
Ynge Ljung

It was amazing!! I think you could be a sought-after motivational speaker. You commanded the room and were so confident. It was great storytelling. You have quite a gift.
Christina Hills

Such a beautiful and courageous presentation —Your story and message were so very inspiring and encouraging…Thank you for modeling so authentically the ways vulnerability is strength. You are a jewel.
Vicki Dello Joio

When Nancy Juetten takes the stage, she lights up the room and energizes her audience with wit, wisdom, and just the right amount of humor. Her speech at the Soulful Leadership Retreat was magnificent, leaving everyone feeling inspired by her message and reflective on how we too can find the magic and the gifts in our trials and tribulations.
Jane Deuber