It is amazing to me that the do-it-yourself publicity message I share on this blog carries far and wide to invite purchases from near and beyond.   Yesterday I received an online order for the Authentic Visibility publicity tips booklets and an audio file about how to get known as an expert in your field from a professional from South Africa.  The Internet gives us all an opportunity to invite opportunities to be of service.  It’s a beautiful thing.

And,  to make things even better, the Prosperi-Tea mugs I ordered to round out the new Publici-Tea-TO-GO! gift bundles arrived at my doorstep.  Next week, I’ll be shipping out the many orders that have flowed to my online shopping cart from Kirkland, Bellevue, Sammamish, Colorado and beyond.  I am proud to have  created an affordable, high value gift bundle that helps business owners create buzz for their businesses during this very challenging economic period and returns 10% of net profits to NW Hope and Healing, a non profit that delivers healing baskets full of comfort and joy items for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.  That is also a beautiful thing.