I just got permission invite you to attend an upcoming
teleseminar series which includes some insider secrets
I don’t normally share with the public.
Bart Baggett is hosting a unique series of interviews
with 24 of the “World’s Highest Paid Coaches & Consultants”
starting TOMORROW.
100 Coaching Tips Interview Series
First Interview July 12th. 6pm – TOMORROW!
Last Interview August 29th 6pm.
My Interview is August 6 at 12 noon Pacific Time.
You might recognize Bart from his many appearances on TV & Radio. He’s
been on CNN’s Larry King Live, Today Show and even interviewed by
Howard Stern.
Bart’s written 5 books of his own. He’s going to ask me and all his guests to reveal some of those little
“just between friends only” business tactics which we’ve all used to build huge coaching practices and still have free time
to enjoy our life.
If you, or anyone you know is an “expert” in any field, you could
using these same strategies to build or expand a coaching practice.
And, yes, I’ve promised him I wouldn’t hold back on sharing my closely
guarded secrets about how I run my own practice.
These interviews would be a huge benefit to anyone who considers
themselves a life coach, health coach, music teacher, business coach,
mentor, seminar leader, professional speaker, counselor, or
Bart is fascinating guy who has asked me to spill the beans about…
• How to get free publicity that will generate paying clients
• The fastest way to become the recognized expert in your niche
• And why you must “Get Known To Get Paid™” and how to step out of obscurity to the spotlight
This 100 Coaching Tips tele-seminar series is one of a kind. It’s not
just for life coaches, business coaches, authors or speakers. The
information can apply to any business owner or parent who wants to
motivate their kids to achieve more.
Plus, I’ll be just one of the 24 experts Bart is going to
interview…so there is lots of great information you can learn at not
cost to you.
You might want to pass this invite along to any coaches, consultants,
teachers, or professional speakers you know. Any one of these 100
Coaching tips could make a huge difference in your friend’s business.
But best of all, you can listen to these interviews for free – live.
Please take a minute to register for this event
and you are can instantly download over $1750
worth of free gifts from the featured speakers.
Here is the link to visit to register.
See you there!