I subscribe to Joan Stewart’s Publicity Hound ezine, and I recommend that you do, too. Joan always has great tips and resources to share to empower your quest for free publicity. While visiting her blog this week, I found a post about a new feature called Doing Business and Doing Good that JJ Ramberg is writing for Entrepreneur magazine. Visit and read the 10-21-07 post entitled, “Entrepreneur columnist focuses on do-gooders.” All the contact information is included to make it easy for you to make your pitch.

Speaking of which, I took the opportunity to submit a pitch on behalf of Affirmagy, which is working around the clock to fill orders for its book/blanket bundles that include fleece Courage blankets that are covered with affirmations, along with the Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Soul books. Founder Kristen Marie Schuerlein intends for the blanket/book bundle to raise $400,000 for breast cancer research this month. The “Pay It Forward” component of this program makes it easy for you to donate bundles to women you have never met who are facing breast cancer treatment. As I quipped to Kristen the other day, I am grateful to have two breasts, especially since I had surgery a few years ago for abnormal cells. That is another reason I was even happier to “Pay It Forward” with two bundles I donated to women I’ve never met. Think about it, and get into action. Visit www.affirmagy.com to place your order today, and spread the word about this inspired business woman who is definitely doing business and doing good. It’s a beautiful thing.