How to Say 'Bye-Bye' to Your Boring Bio and Get Ready for Opportunity Now

How to Say ‘Bye-Bye’ to Your Boring Bio and Get Ready for Opportunity Now

BillBarenI know many people in my tribe have trouble describing what they do in a way that excites them and attracts the attention of the people they are here to serve.

Nancy Juetten is among the graduates of the “2011 Mover and Shaker” tier of my company’s Big Shift Coaching Program.  She’s been making a BIG impact in the world by guiding (somewhat introverted) spotlight seekers to get known to get paid by telling stories all their own. That’s why Nancy’s content arrives in perfect timing to guide you to solve that problem, once and for all.

Last week, Nancy shared a fabulous interview to show you how.  I invite you to opt in below so you can listen to the REPLAY.

Oh, by the way, Nancy offered some very compelling early responder gifts for those who enroll in her popular and practical Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series.   These gifts will help you name and claim your profitable six-figure niche and talk about what you do, especially if what you do is something that you have found difficult to describe – until now.  And, a ticket to the 2013 Big Shift Experience — $997 value! — is waiting for the wise folks who are among the Early Responders to Nancy’s enrollment invitation.

Be among the first to say YES to this training before registration closes on October 7.  I know Nancy’s work inside and out, and she’s the real thing and someone who always delivers beyond what she promises.   Listen and and experience the empowering information she shares to guide you to prepare and share your story so you can Get Known to Get Paid.™


Bill Baren



Bio Wow! Interview

Discover how to describe what you do in a confident way that

Enjoy this free replay
to inspire bio WOW now.



These compliments were posted immediately following Nancy's live interview. With feedback this fabulous, you'll want to rush to enjoy the REPLAY right now! 

“Thank you Nancy for this amazing webinar! I will be joining you on your series, but have to wait until I return home from my vacation to purchase. In the meantime, greetings from Auckland, NZ!”

– John F. Weiss

“Greetings from California! I just shared with Nancy Juetten that I wanted to give her a huge compliment for showing up EARLY, like more than 10 minutes early to… the call and greeting us and welcoming us to the call. She is so APPROACHABLE and I just appreciate that about people. You need to be emotionally attractive to people if you expect them to come up to and then to get behind what you stand for in the world. Nancy is this person for me so far. Thanks Nancy.”

– Roy Montero

“Wonderful webinar! Thanks Nancy for your 5 steps. I hope to join you soon in your class.”

– Joyce Joneschiet

“Terrific presentation. Itching to update my bio and, especially, to create my ready to go packets. Been dragging my feet on those. You’ve made me realize how important they can be to my continued success!”

– Kathy Henderson-Sturtz

“My favorite “aha” moment from your seminar today was “What do you want your bio to do for YOU?” Really enjoyed the call and look forward to doing more with you!”

– Christine Leonard-Osterwalder

“Thanks for this jam-packed gift! So much to think about. The five step process to get clarity about bios is a wonderful tool.”

– Linda Selby

“Being prepared for “anything” at any time is my goal! Thank you for all the tips!”

– Judy M. Graybill

“Nancy Juetten is one of those people who really give valuable principles before they sell! Thank you for your webinar!”

– Jacqueline van To

“Yet again you WOWED me! Thanks, Nancy”

– Lori Cassidy Haugland

“Great call, Nancy! I really enjoyed hearing you speak and I’m psyched to use some of the valuable tips you’ve shared and write a new rockin’ bio. Thanks!”

– Charlene Davies

“Smart gal Nancy Juetten. Like your presentation and offering. May want to pursue your help in the future. I am looking at selling fine art prints right now. Thanks.”

– Kaye Williams

“Bio Wow re-inspires me to rework both my entrepreneurial bio as well as the one for the clinic I work for. Sometimes our marketing juju needs this shot in the arm. Thanks, Nancy!”

– Katherine Ledford Davis

“Thanks for a great call, Nancy! The specific examples help me see where to go from here to there. You always share such amazing content. Thank you!”

– Kris Green
