Are you one of the millions of viewers who are binge-watching #WhenCallstheHeart, presented by the Hallmark Channel?

I sure am.

Along with the other “Hearties” across the nation, I was reaching for the Kleenex when Jack Thornton’s life was tragically cut short on a routine training mission.

Here he was, a newlywed with a bright future to anticipate with his beloved wife Elizabeth, and everything they were dreaming of for a life together  was cut short as a result of a training mission gone very wrong.

Not long before this ill fated end to their fairy tale life, Jack bought some land upon which to build a dream home.

This inquiring mind and practical gal wants to know …

  • Did he designate Elizabeth as his beneficiary? He bought the land before they wed. If he didn’t make this designation, it could be that the land would pass to his mother or his brother or someone else he may have designated.
  • Did he designate Elizabeth as the beneficiary to any of his life insurance or other benefits before leaving for this ill fated mission?
  • Will Elizabeth be able to access his bank and investment accounts to help her navigate life as a widow and a single mother?
  • Did the two of them ever talk about his final wishes so she could honor them in the event that the unthinkable should happen?

These are important questions that people in real life need to consider, just in case life takes an unexpected turn.

The cautionary tales from the road of life that we’ve heard over the last year or so from real people facing unthinkable situations at the worst possible times reinforce our mission to guide families to get ahead of home burglary or the 5 D’s — disaster, disease, disability, divorce or or death — before they hit close to home.

Together with my husband Steve — a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional — we guide families across the globe to access the keys to unlock most of what is important in their lives before life turns on a dime through a product we created called Life Goes on Roadmap™.  Our proven tools and playful approach are empowering, practical, and profound. Users welcome peace of mind, confidence, and ease in ways that are priceless to count when they get on board. We can’t wait to be of service.

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Do a search and check it out if you are so inspired.