When I started my journey to build an online business, I got advice from many sources and mentors.  Some advice was louder than others.

Chances are, you have been hearing the same voices and have been working hard to do these things and plenty more:

  • Name and claim a profitable niche audience.
  • Create a money making marketing message.
  • Master the new client enrollment conversation.
  • Create an information product that meets an urgent need.
  • Write a book that can be a ‘big business card.’
  • Grow your list so you can have influence and impact that leads to income.
  • Create a business model with three choices even Goldilocks would love.
  • Launch a group training program.
  • Speak from live and virtual stages.
  • Speak to sell.
  • Master your mindset.
  • Master your metrics.
  • Learn to become a ‘rock star’ joint venture partner.
  • Create your own live events.
  • Get known for doing one thing really well.

Here is a confession.

Since 2009, I have been maverick enough to do things in the order that suited me and not what was prescribed. Experience is always the best teacher.

I have learned a heck of a lot.

I know which approaches work well for me and pay off and which ones don’t.

And you know what?

I have been running my own race and doing just fine, thank you very much.

I’ve discovered that there is a whole lot of power under the tent over here.

What is most important is that I believe it. 

The woman who started this journey in 2009 with a $47 book called Bye-Bye Boring Bio is NOT the same woman who is on the journey today. It’s time to raise my voice and show up as the long distance runner I have become with huge value to offer.

  • My skill set is comprehensive.
  • My track record is rock solid.
  • My voice and distinct point of view matter — especially for reluctant messengers in the world who want to step up to share theirs.

Lots of big ideas are swirling as I kick off self-imposed ‘training wheels’ and step up to a bigger version of what I am here to do.

Just this week, someone who knows me described me as a well-dressed elegant rebel.  She said, “You look like Jackio O, but you are a badass underneath.”

Maybe so.

Here are three big ideas that are coming through me as I write this post:

  • I declare my independence from mentors whose voices and approaches no longer serve me.
  • I will raise my voice and speak up.
  • Perhaps in doing so, I can encourage you to do the same.

I am strapping on my rocket belt because it may be a bumpy ride that will be worth the turbulence.
