Achievement Strategist and Mentor Dr. Susan O’Malley Gifts New Grads and Career Reinventioneers with 48 Strategies to Turn Try into Triumph, Starting Now

48-tips-to-turn-try-into-triumph-3d-for-web-147x300With thousands of graduates tossing mortarboards in the air this month and even more adults reengineering their lives to welcome success in the next phase, Dr. Susan O’Malley today debuts a timely gift booklet. She shares success strategies in perfect timing — 48 Tips to Turn Try into Triumph: The Best Prescription You’ll Ever Get from a Doctor. It’s a free digital download that she hopes will travel the world in record time to serve millions.

Gain immediate access via this link:

Once a college drop out without direction, she become a doctor at 39 and today is a sought after keynote speaker and author who inspires audiences to put on their helmets and get in the game of life to win.

“If I had known when I graduated what I packed within this tips booklet, who knows how much more I could have achieved with straight talk guiding my journey,” Dr. O’Malley said.

Here are sample tips to serve as an appetizer before the main dish.

Be responsible for your choices. You can have a dream and you can be successful, but you can’t dream your way to success. You have to do the work. Sometimes we say we want something. but we make choices that sabotage ourselves. Own it.Dr  Susan O'Malley Beige Background

Don’t be a victim. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Some situations are out of our control. For the most part, though, things don’t happen to you. You are there participating.

Don’t envy the lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it. Behind lucky is hard work. No one ever stumbled into success. Unfortunately success doesn’t come from a quick fix or being in the right place at the right time.

Roll up your sleeves. Action and results don’t come from magical thinking. You have to be willing to turn the M of manifesting upside down into the W of work and willpower.

Find the rules. Every situation has rules. Sometimes they’re unspoken and sometimes right in your face. When you know what they are, you’re on a level playing field with others. If you’re playing by the same set of rules that have helped others become successful, you have a better chance of success yourself.

Be willing to change course. People change careers all the time—sometimes out of choice and sometimes because they are forced out of their comfort zone. Where you start doesn’t have to be where you end, no matter how old you are. I wrote this tips booklet at age 62.

Identify the obstacle. Many times it’s harder to make the commitment to do something than to actually do it. The real obstacles to success are always internal, and they’re usually self-doubt and procrastination.

Learn how to overcome rejection. It’s hard to be rejected. Sometimes you just want to hide and you convince yourself that you really didn’t want it in the first place. Chances are you did. Feel the pain of rejection and keep on going. The ability to overcome rejection can change your life. It changed mine.

About Achievement Strategist and Mentor Dr. Susan O’Malley

DrSusanA college drop-out and secretary at 19, single mother at 35, doctor at 39, entrepreneur at 50 and public speaker and author at 62, Dr. O’Malley is proof positive that anything is possible. Access her gift tips booklet right now packed with 48 tips to turn Try into Triumph at this link:

Dr. O'Malley welcomes invitations to speak to the media, conferences, and graduating classes by webinar, teleclass and live.



• Dr. Susan O’Malley
• Phone Number: 203-245-2227