Would you believe if I told you that my husband’s iPod made the journey through the washer and the dryer yesterday and lived to tell the tale?   It’s true!

When I found this item in the drum of the dryer, my heart sank.  How careless of me to forget to remove this valuable item from the pocket of my gym jacket before starting the laundry.

Miracle of miracles, Steve charged the iPod after its most unfortunate journey.  Guess what?   It still works and holds the scores and scores of carefully selected music within.

This my friends, is an alert the media moment.    Thank you Apple for creating a fabulous, DURABLE product.  My holiday miracle came early.  Hurray, whew, and amen.

Authentic Visibility Question of the Day: What stories can you tell about your cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices defied the odds and kept working?  I know there are some amazing and amusing stories out there, which brings me to a useful DIY publicity tip.  One incident doesn’t necessarily a story make.  Two incidents starts to sound somewhat interesting.  Three incidents is what we call in the media business “a trend gathering speed.”   Reporters love to write about trends, so go deep and find three really great examples of how your idea is gaining speed. Then, position your own story first among the three as you make your pitch and offer a sassy sound bite to demonstrate why your story is timely, newsworthy, relevant, and interesting right now.   You could be on the right track to earning media attention.