The price for the “Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action eGuide” is going up, as promised, on August 1.  This is a call to action to make your purchase before midnight on July 31 to benefit from the amazingly low introductory price of $29 for the best-selling product I’ve created in three years.

Publici-Tea™ Graduate Annie Cheng of Netstar, Inc. reviewed the product, and this is what she had to say:

“Nancy has done it again — she’s put together a fabulous guide to help increase your own publicity efforts.  The Bye-Bye Boring Action Guide gave me specific action items I could accomplish and a slew of different methods to generate ideas for a winning bio that won’t put people to sleep.”‘

Stacey Anderson, Professional Organizer, Speaker & Author of Organized Solutions LLC said, “I really like the worksheets and all of the bio examples.  It has made me realize that you can spice up your bio with more than just the facts and statistics most of us tend to use.”

Bob Phillips, president of RW & Associates, Inc. and co-author of “Absolute Honesty – Building a Corporate Culture that Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity” said, “As a person who has been stuck in a biography rut for 30 plus years of writing very boring things about myself, I found Nancy’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio Guide a real challenge that finally gave me an escape route out of continuing to write such uninspiring bios!  Very few of us who speak, write, and consult know how to really define who we are and what capabilities we offer.  This guide provided me a way of thinking and presenting a clearer picture of what I can offer others.”

Violette Clark, whimsical artist and creative catalyst for  writes,”Nancy’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide is a  no-brainer for people like me who have difficulty writing about themselves.  I asked myself ‘What the heck do I have to share which makes me interesting and intriguing and encourages people to want to know more?’  And then I read Nancy’s guide and voila!   She provides the reader with a map ready to take you on a step-by-step journey to uncover the treasures within.  Nancy’s guide makes it easy by asking the right questions which will in turn help you to fashion a sizzling and fascinating bio.  As an artist who is better at creating than writing about herself, this guide is a life saver.  Thank you Nancy!”

And these are just a few of the fabulous comments that have been coming in as a result of the first round of product reviews.   Buy your copy today at the low price of $29 so you can benefit as these people have.  The price goes up to $39 on August 1, 2009.  It’s still an extraordinary value at this price. Still, who doesn’t want to save $10 these days?  Act now to benefit and write a bio that will make you beam with pride.  You’ll be glad that you did.