It’s so rewarding to hear from happy clients who are proudly broadcasting their brilliance to welcome wonderful results in their businesses.
Here is what Anne Salisbury and Greg Meyerhoff say.
We had no idea how truly boring our bios were until Nancy Juetten showed us the light. Through her Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series, we scrapped our long list of credentials and instead highlighted the appealing results that clients crave. In the beginning, this task was daunting. Since 95% of our business came from referrals, we had not taken the time to define our ideal client. Also, we had written our marketing material for anyone who wanted relationship coaching, intuitive business consulting, psychic readings, pet psychic readings, transpersonal hypnotherapy, intuitive feng shui, intuition trainings, and speeches on decision making… Basically, we were describing so many services that people couldn’t quickly grasp how we could turn their lives around. Now, we focus on the results that our clients want to achieve. For example, here is an piece from Anne’s new bio that Nancy helped us write:
Anne Salisbury taps into her psychic powers to gain answers and shows clients how to see their own answers through her time-tested process of hypnotherapy. Her decades of experience in intuitive development pay off for her clients in many ways. She takes clients from:
- Confusion to clarity
- Upset to understanding
- Discord to direction
- Frustration to feeling good
Beyond this improvement in our bios, we also changed the way in which we present ourselves in conversations. Within a couple of weeks, by talking about results instead of simply describing our processes, we were immediately invited for interviews on a couple of internet radio programs. As you can tell, we highly recommend Nancy and the courses she offers. She is impeccable, has tremendous integrity and makes sure that everyone in her class is well served.
Anne Salisbury, Ph.D., MBA, and Greg Meyerhoff help people find welcomed solutions to challenging situations so that they can walk their paths with confidence, ease and joy at work and at home. Visit them at
If you’d like to tune in to the April 23 free webinar to guide listeners to say bye-bye to their boring bios, join us. Here is the link to register.