The top performers I work with in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp have one thing in common:

>> Once they learn how to book themselves on top podcasts, they always want to hire an assistant to do the parts of the process that are not their favorite.

I know this to be true, since I’ve been teaching this training since the pandemic came to call.

Those who join the program with their assistants book more of the right interviews together, and each gets to do the parts of the process that are in their genius zone.

What I’ve noticed is that these assistants who enroll find themselves in a very exciting position.

Every client in the program wants to hire them to do the parts of the process that they won’t do.

Some of my assistant graduates have gone on to start podcast booking agencies of their own.

Others have been hired by other graduates.

The demand for this support is real.

That’s why I want to train more assistants to be brilliant in this role.

As a lifelong publicist with top notch skills and experience — and a track record and reputation for great results and high integrity — I believe I can meet a need in the marketplace that can be a huge blessing to top performers, assistants, and to my own success by training assistants in this way.

That’s why I’ve decided to open up 10 deep scholarships for the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp that I am calling the Summer Session of the Podcast Booking Success Academy.

These scholarships are for independent virtual assistants or marketing assistants who want to acquire and put into practice a whole new set of skills upon which they can build a podcast booker service of their own.

If that’s you or someone you know, here’s the great news.

I’ll deliver every bit of value I’ve got to master the skills and approaches to succeed, including matching you with top performers who have graduated from the course who are already media ready.

That will give you test clients to serve during the training who will likely want to hire you when you graduate!

At the very least, you’ll earn a brilliant testimonial upon which a future client will rely to retain your services on their behalf.

Best of all, when you succeed in the program, I can confidently recommend you to the top performers I know who are eager to hire professionals with your new and shiny skill set.

I know a lot of movers and shakers who are looking for podcast bookers who can support them in elevating their stars and incomes on the rise.

How much can you earn as a brilliant podcast booker?

My aim is to guide you to create 3 to 6 month packages that top performers will say YES to and that will represent a revenue win for you, too.

As long as you meet the results expectations of your new clients in a winning way, the likelihood is that top performers will elect to renew their commitments with you.

That means you can earn back your tuition in the program right away and be set up to succeed indefinitely.

So what is the tuition?

Top performers invest $2997 to engage in the live 12-week training, and it’s worth every penny.

I am making available 10 deep dive scholarships for independent virtual assistants for $1000.

(Yes, a 3-month payment plan is available).

That’s a wise investment to make in developing and putting into practice a new and in-demand skill set for which I have hundreds of graduates to whom I can introduce you to make a match,

If this excites you or would be exciting to someone you know, here’s the next step.

>> Revisit this position description to make sure you have the personal skills and aptitudes to be successful in this role — or share it with someone who would be a great candidate.

Download it —

>> Create a 2-minute video through which you share why this scholarship opportunity is perfect for what you need to learn and achieve to elevate your skills and your upside this summer.

>> Send it to me by Tuesday, June 13 by noon Pacific. That’s this Tuesday! My email is

Being good at meeting deadlines is an important skill for a podcast booker who is serious about having his/her efforts rise to the top of the consideration list.

If you are selected to benefit from one of the 10 scholarships, you agree to:

>> Approach the program with a winning attitude and unwavering commitment, giving it your full attention and actively participating in the live sessions.

>> Be matched with a graduate of the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp who is already media ready. This invaluable opportunity will allow you to apply your focus and skills during the training and potentially establish a long-term working relationship with the client.

>>  Share 10% of the new business you welcome at my direct referral with me for as long as you serve those clients. This fair arrangement is a way to repay the scholarship.that made this exceptional training and connections with top performers possible in the first place.

If this is exciting to you or someone you know, I can’t wait to see your 2-minute video application!


Nancy Juetten

P.S. If you have read this far and identify as a top performer who wants podcast bookings, take note that we are going to delay the start of the training until Tuesday, June 20. If you’d like to join, this link makes it easy:

If you have questions for me, book a quick call.

#podcastguesting #PodcastBooking #virtualassistant #marketingassistant