Did you know that the Business Examiner, a South Sound newspaper, is seeking nominees for its 2008 Women of Influence Awards? This award program recognizes outstanding women leaders in the South Sound. A panel of judges comprised of past honorees will review nominee information and select a group that has made the greatest impact in business, industry, and the communities. Nominations are due July 11, 2008, and you can complete the application online at this link. Recognition programs such as this one are great vehicles to earn media recognition for your winning ways. If you live and work in the South South and meet the criteria, put your hat in the ring.

Speaking of women in business in Tacoma, have you read South Sound Woman magazine? This magazine is dedicated to women who make the South Sound their home and enjoys circulation of 15,000 readers — and growing. The magazine enjoys very loyal readership among its readers, and the magazine wants to know about organizations or people who are making a difference in the community. If you’ve got a story to tell, connect by email at info@southsoundwoman.com. You can also nominate a South South woman to be considered for the magazine’s “Down to Business” feature, which profiles women in the South Sound. Send an email to publisher@catalystpublishing.com to earn consideration for such a profile.

I’ll be highlighting South Sound media tips and information as the August 15 Publici-Tea™ date for my first Tacoma event draws near. Stay tuned to learn more about how to earn the “ink” in the Sound Sound.