While reading the Sunday Seattle Times, I found myself laughing out loud as I read Ron Judd’s column. Under this subhead ‘Now Here’s a News Flash!  Well, Maybe’ he writes:

“They would never admit to it. But deep down, every communications officer working for a public agency knows that part of his or her task is to communicate official business to media and the public just well enough to never attract undue attention. Some are better than others. Ranking highest on the Judd Stupefaction Scale (patent pending) is this humdinger of a lead paragraph on a news release from Washington State Parks. Guaranteed to make you not want to know more.

OLYMPIA — Nov. 25, 2009 — At its regular meeting next week in Centralia, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will consider a variety of actions, including adoption of park land-use plans, sustainability, winter recreation appointments, easements, partnership agreements, land acquisitions and park transfer agreements.

We KID the State Parks people. And we know there’s something interesting going on down in Centralia. Someone please wake us when it happens.”

Authentic Visibility Question of the Day: How does YOUR press release read on the “Judd Stupefaction Scale?”   When in doubt, use Press Release Grader for a reality check.   And remember to use common sense.  The most important ingredients that should appear in the first paragraph of a press release include the “who, what, when, where, how, and why anyone should care” details in a way that wakes up the reader, instead of putting him/her to sleep.   It’s a simple concept that may also sound revolutionary, especially if you’ve forgotten to serve your reader.  When you serve the reader, you ultimately are in good position to serve yourself.  What a concept!