The noise all around can be deafening at times. Being a bit of an introvert, I prefer a quieter approach. It just suits my sensibilities. And having this insight into who I am is really helping me figure out with even more specificity who I am here to serve.   What I am getting present to is that my ideal clients are a lot like me. Isn’t that a revelation?

So this brings me to an important question for you.
  What would happen in your business if you figured out with remarkable detail all the characteristics, struggles, and sensibilities of your ideal clients? Are they like you in important ways? And can you use that insight to be even more attractive as a potential solution provider?

When I think back to the last 50 clients I worked closely with recently, I note that these are not "scream from the mountain top" or "yell into the telephone" kind of people. They are messengers on a mission for the greater good — and the rewards and results that flow from their inspired service. They are smart, practical resourceful, and committed to earning their success — one step at a time.

And once they make the commitment to get help in areas that aren’t their favorite things, they take inspired action.

I love my clients. They are the perfect people to benefit from how I serve.

I want you to feel the same way about your clients, which is why I invite you to dig deep to consider their characteristics, struggles, and sensibilities. Upon reflection, you just might find "messaging gold" to drive your business forward in ways that give you reason to smile.

What you figure this out, be sure to tell me how it pays off for you.  I’d love to hear about your results and share them here for all to see!