Earlier this week, I made a request to a vendor who changed her product from a print to a digital version. I liked the printed format I was used to working with as opposed to receiving the information on a CD, and I asked if I could pay a premium to receive the information as a Word file that worked for me.

Three emails later, I was frustrated that she couldn’t simply say, “Yes, I would be happy to do that for you. Will next week be soon enough to receive your new copy.” Instead, I got a litany of reasons why my request was going to be an inconvenience. She said she could only make money by offering the digital version after losing money for three years. She would have to deal with a subcontractor to get it done. And, she wouldn’t be able to get the item to me until sometime in 2008. Did I make that purchase? Absolutely not.

I am a big fan of Alice Cunningham’s customer service philosophy. Cunningham is co-owner of Olympic Hot Tub Company, a 30-year-old chain that makes it easy for customers to take it easy in their own backyards. She says, “Make your products easy to buy, own, and refer.” Seems simple enough. It’s when business owners get lost in their own issues that the train leaves the track.

If you live in the Seattle area and want to learn more about the “easy to own, buy and refer” philosophy, you can hear Cunningham speak at noon on November 14, 2007 at the Columbia Tower Club over a lovely lunch and enjoy one of the best views of the Seattle skyline as you listen. Here is a link to learn more about she’ll be talking about:


And, if you’ve decided that this holiday season is the perfect time for you and your family to take it easy in your own backyard with a Hot Springs spa of your own, visit www.olympichottub.com to read about your options.   Alaska Airlines magazine this month features the 30th Anniversary Aria Spa in the holiday gift guide as recommended item to help your loved ones live the good life.  Sounds good to me!

Columbia Tower Club