Last week, I had a great conversation with Action Plan Marketing Founder Robert Middleton.    He said he wanted to start writing articles to serve the right media and wanted to know if I had any suggestions.    Knowing his expertise guiding professional service providers and management consultants to enroll high end clients, I immediately suggested he make a pitch to RainToday.  This online newsletter reaches that audience with insightful articles to support their success.  In fact, the media kit for RainToday says the site reaches 100,000 marketing and sales buyers .

As the largest provider of information and tools on B2B services marketing and sales, RainToday is an indispensable resource for marketers, business developers, and owners of small and medium-sized businesses looking to grow., the Top Sales Resource Site of 2010, is the premier online source for insight, advice, and tools for growing professional services businesses. Marketers, rainmakers, and leaders in consulting, accounting, law, AEC, marketing, advertising and PR, training, financial, IT, and other professional services industries, turn to for research, tools, training programs, and recommendations to help them market and sell their services.

This is a perfect venue for Robert’s expertise to add value and bring him to the attention of the right people who can benefit from how he serves.

We talked about who to call and what to say.  The, it must have been moments later before Robert was taking action.  (The Action Plan Marketing Founder walks his own talk about Action!)

He found out the right person to approach by visiting the website.  He made his pitch.  He got to YES.  He crafted an insightful article.   His article is now posted to this influential site.  The title is Follow-Up Phone Calls: Get More Sales Meetings Using This 5-Step Process.

The Lessons Robert is Modeling:

1) Know what you want.

2) Ask for insights to get there faster from someone who is “in the know.”

3) Take action on what you learn.

4) Get what you want.

It’s really not that hard.

What do you want?  What actions will you take to get what you want?

Of course, if you need a little help to learn the “how,” you can engage with me.  The Build Your Buzz Strategy Sessions I offer guide you to success faster without spinning your wheels, and that is a beautiful thing.   Robert is benefiting as this article placement demonstrates.   You will, too.  The next session of the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series is gearing up to start again in January of 2012.

And, if you want to learn something new THIS WEEK, be sure to come to the Seattle W Hotel this Thursday, October 20 starting at 5:30 p.m. to hear me speak LIVE about how to pitch an article the media can’t resist.  Here is the link to claim one of the last remaining 50 spaces.  See you there.