Seattle Chocolate Company CEO Jean Thompson is quoted in a story by the Associated Press that has so far traveled to BusinessWeek and Forbes so far.  Read all about it at this link. News from the company has also traveled to LA Pretty and  Skywire News.

How did we earn the attention of the Associated Press?  We responded to a media query from ProfNet. The query read as follows:

Every holiday season, stores can count on their lucrative corporate gift business, but with massive layoffs and the collapse of Wall Street firms, analysts say that once-hot area will suffer. How are these stores retooling their corporate gift business? Are they marketing smaller, less expensive gifts?

My reply:

In the best and worst of times, chocolate has served as a welcome gift for Valentine’s Day and every day.  Some news reports have even read, “Economy Sour? Candy Sales are Sweet.”  Through the ages, the fine taste of chocolate has remained an affordable, welcome luxury.  Many media reports still suggest that affordable luxury is a trend gathering speed in 2009.  I’d be happy to hook you up with Seattle Chocolate Company CEO Jean Thompson, who can offer commentary about how premium chocolate sales are performing, even in the midst of the challenging economy.  You can read more about her at this link.  Seattle Chocolate Company has seven Valentine’s Day themed packages, and two of them are new for 2009.  You can view them at these two links.

Thompson is fond of saying that chocolate is the ultimate mood elevator, and everyone can benefit from that.  If I can be of more help, my contact information is below.  Jean’s email address is noted in the cc line above in the event you wish to connect with her directly.   Thank you for your consideration.

I soon received an email from an AP reporter, wishing to speak with Jean.  During that conversation, she highlighted the DVD/chocolate truffle bar offer in response to his questions about how the company was responding to the recession.   Now, news of that offer is traveling far and wide.  It’s a beautiful thing! This is just one more example of how responding in a timely, complete, yet brief manner to a media query can deliver powerful ink and media momentum to carry your story forward.   Offering active links within your pitches to make it easy for reporters to learn more and get quickly in touch with expert sources is a winning way to earn the attention of influential reporters.   If your own online press room is not alive and well, now is the time to get into action on that.  I can help.   And the Winning Bio Writing Workshop on 2-20 is a good place to begin work.  The AP could be waiting for your story.  Is your story ready?  That is a question only you can decide.