Michelle HaydenThe first week of January, I received a call from Michelle Hayden Bomberger, attorney at law. She had just won a meaningful case for one of her clients and wanted the good news to spread to the right people so they could be empowered by the tips and information she had to share.

As we discussed the case, I asked Michelle what she considered the perfect media placement for this news.  She said earning a bylined article in the Puget Sound Business Journal was her top priority.

One quick look at the 2009 editorial calendar, and I knew that luck and timing were on our side.  It just so happened that the paper was planning to publish a special section on January 30 about legal and professional services.  In collaboration, we came up with a compelling pitch and wrote an informative article full of useful tips and considerations for business owners to make when acquiring a business.   Michelle’s article debuted in that special section.  The article, entitled, “Ruling gives small business owners stronger voice, brings awareness to the victory and what it means for other business owners going forward.

From start to finish, I invested four hours of my time to help my client earn a priority media placement.  Now, the 67,000 readers of the Puget Sound Business Journal know the role she played in earning the client’s victory in court and why that victory is meaningful for other small business owners.

If you want your voice to carry to your priority media placements and you need a little help from a trusted guide to get your DIY publicity show on the road and in the right media outlets, take a close look at the Rent Nancy’s PR Brain by the Hour program.   It sure packed a punch for Michelle Hayden Bomberger, and it can do the same for you and your business, too.