From: Nancy Juetten Bellingham, WA, USA
The world turned on a dime when COVID 19 paid a visit. Within days, speaking gigs at live events evaporated. Speakers, experts, and authors had to pivot quickly to bring raise their voices and make their best impact virtually.
For some, this is brand new and perhaps scary territory.
Here’s the good news.
If you want to speak more, you can. It’s just a matter of positioning your expertise to be valuable to the thousands of podcasts, broadcasts, and virtual platforms that are looking for experts just like you.
So how can you prepare yourself for brilliant success and attract the connections, clients, and cash you desire in your business?
The answer to that question lies within the pages and bonus resources packed with the Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook.

Yes, it can be VERY hard to write about yourself. In fact, one recent survey of business owners in their first three years of operations revealed that 97% struggle describing what they do in a way that excites them and attracts clients. If you are ready to set aside that struggle, relief is close at hand. It really can be a whole lot faster and easier than you ever thought possible, and I am going to show you how.
But first, why does this matter? It’s important to get your message right because real opportunities to grow your business and your influence are hanging in the balance. You don’t want to be stumbling and bumbling around, trying to find the right words. You want to speak and write them with confidence and impact so you can turn heads, invite conversations, and close more of the right kinds of business. And, remember this.
Now more than ever, people are doing business with PEOPLE as opposed to companies. That makes it essential to showcase your “Wow”, the value you bring, and your particular brand of marketplace magic on your “about me” section of your website, in your social media profiles, in your speaker sheet, and everywhere your ideal clients visit to find a problem solver just like you.
It’s More Important Than You Think and
Serves as Among Your Most Powerful,
Persuasive Business Assets
Boring “blah, blah, blah” messages that fill the “about us” section of your website don’t get people to YES very fast. Use the online real estate as wallpaper, and you have nothing to show for it. Use the space to say who you are, who you serve, what it matters, and why you are the best available talent to deliver the value, and you are saying something that can convert to compensation. That can guide clients to make an “Easy YES” decision to engage in your professional services. That’s a big deal.
“Know-Like-Trust” Place Before They Will
Do Business with You. If They Can’t Get
There Fast, You are Sunk.
No Kidding!
Are you a speaker, expert or author who…
- Finds writing or talking about yourself too hard?
- Is new to the world of virtual speaking and needs to generate some action in your business fast?
- Feels stuck, paralyzed, and alone in the struggle of finding the right words to share the value you bring?
- Suffers from frustration that you can’t seem to find the time to focus on or organize a good bio or speaker sheet for your important work in the world, let alone pitch yourself successfully to an influential podcast or broadcast host with the power to take your message far and wide?
- Have you reinvented what you do so many times in the last two years that your current bio doesn’t even begin to describe what you are doing and why it matters to your ideal clients or the media right now?
If you’ve answered YES to these statements, I’m really glad you found this page!
Personal and Empowering

The highs and lows of that were hard to navigate as a kid growing up in status-conscious Southern California. One day, everything was great. The next, we were clipping coupons and worrying about where our next meal was coming from.
It was very disempowering.
I vowed that I would NEVER be in a situation in which other people were in control over my economic destiny.
When I owned my own PR firm, I was a story pitching machine and scored major placements for my clients left and right. When I turned my skills to shine a light on my own expertise, I kept winning.
Speaking from my own platform and from the platforms where I could make my impact via radio and TV shows, podcasts, teleseminars, webinars, and the live stage — is how I got known and paid as the Get Known Get Paid Mentor and Business Bio Expert.
All the while, I’ve made it a practice to connect with influencers, build my own tribe, create tools of lasting value, and nurture relationships that could grow into the client engagements.
>> I want my clients to FEEL THIS LEVEL of AMAZING CONTROL over their upside, whether or not anyone invites them to take their microphone or stage.
>> My clients raise their voices, make their impact, and attract connections, clients, and cash when they work the ‘Ready – Set – Broadcast Your Brilliance’ process that I’ve spent over a decade working and refining to be a well-oiled, reliable, gig getting machine.
The process works when you work the process.
That puts the control back where it belongs – with YOU — whether you have money to invest in ads, complicated funnels, or not.
When the Great Recession hit, I had an “aha” moment about how my expertise could make a timely and important difference. A lot of formerly employed professionals were starting businesses of their own to navigate the demanding economy. They needed to market themselves differently to attract clients. They didn’t need a resume. They needed a client-attracting bio that would turn heads and start conversations that would lead to new engagements and meaningful compensation. And, since so many people struggle writing about themselves in ways that position them as solution providers who are worthy of their considerable fees, I set out to solve this problem. In September of 2009, I created Bye-Bye Boring Bio. My goal was to make it easy for professional service providers to tell their stories well so they could be in a stronger position to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now. The templates and systems I used to write stories for hundreds of executives, business owners, and change-makers are now woven beautifully within Bye-Bye Boring Bio to take the struggle out of finding the right words to put to paper so your ideal clients can say YES to engaging your services. And there is enough flexibility within the templates that users can make their stories stand out and shine by telling stories all their own.
When the COVID 19 Pandemic came to call, I used the ‘shelter in place’ order to completely update and upgrade the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook to be of service to speakers, experts, and authors who have a more urgent need than ever to speak virtually and make it count.

with Podcast, Broadcast, and Virtual Platforms So You Get Known and PAID!
That means that more of the right people are leaning in to learn more and do business with you because they love what you stand for and how you serve. Now, business people around the world who used to find it hard to write about themselves are preparing and sharing their stories in ways that create impact, wow, and “gotta engage now” reactions. That means that economic recovery is within reach for a whole lot more people in perfect timing.
Users report great success creating connections, clients and cash as a direct result of following the time-tested tips, templates, bio examples, and advice packed within. And, they have the satisfaction of having made it happen themselves without paying a high priced PR firm or copywriter.
- Imagine being able to pitch podcast hosts every day with the confidence that you will make the short list with ease.
- What would it mean to you to be awarded a four or five-figure speaking gig as a direct result of a meeting planner reading your speaker sheet and being compelled to start a conversation with you. It’s happening for professional speakers who follow the tips within Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
- Consider how great it will be for your ideal client to “get to yes” immediately, just by reading your engaging bio that offers a message that truly resonates and inspires action. This is happening for plenty of professionals who have unlocked the power of the sassy sound bite to their client-attraction advantage.
- Get in touch with the level of confidence you will feel when you can say what you do and why it matters with ease, confidence, and grace at a moment’s notice instead of stumbling over the words you speak or write to describe what you do.
These results are happening every day for satisfied users of Bye-Bye Boring Bio. They can happen for you, too, when you embrace the information and apply it to your expert advantage.
Sheet of Paper & ‘Hello’ Ease.
- Need a client-attracting bio that gets your ideal client to say “YES” in record time?
- Need a short blub bio that delivers applause instead of snores?
- Need a website bio that actually gets your phone to ring?
- Need a Twitter profile that is a-twitter with personality?
- Need still winning bio to serve an introduction for your speaking engagement or upcoming radio interview?
- Can you get your point across with just a few lines of well worded text?
- Need inspiration to prepare a speaker sheet that is perfect for your speaking career right now so you will be selected as that highly compensated expert?
- Bye-Bye Boring Bio shows you the way!
- There are dozens of bio examples within that make is super easy for you to find message inspiration to tell your own best story now.
Shine is a Fill-in-the-Blanks
Template Away.
organize your story so bio writing for you can be over and done and working hard for you 24/7 in short order.
What Experts Say about
Bye-Bye Boring Bio:
In over 20 years of working with professionals, I’ve found that adult learners learn best through real work examples. This resource would have expedited my path to professional speaking and media appearances had I had access to it back in 2003. You don’t know what you don’t know until you see a tool, as well laid out as this one, set out in front of you.
I’ll be recommending this resource to the coaches and clients throughout the Ghost CEO Network.”
Founder – The Ghost CEO
“Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource for writing an effective bio so you can speak up and share your message virtually. Your new bio will impress your followers and intrigue them so they will want to know more about you. This is definitely a ‘must buy’ workbook I highly recommend.”
Nancy Marmolejo,
“It’s one thing to have a door-opening bio. It’s another to share that message across leveraged audiences who listen to podcasts, Zoominars, and other virtual platforms and show up like a pro at hello. Nancy Juetten’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 workbook shares the how and the wow so speakers, experts, and authors can raise their voices, make their impact, and do so without ever having to leave home. It’s a perfectly timed offering for today’s demanding, ever-changing times.”
I love that this book is a reflection of the current times, when virtual guest appearances are prevalent. Also, I found very appealing the workbook-style of this book as well as the many examples that Nancy includes.
Leveraging the teachings and examples in the workbook, you will be ready to create your own sizzling bio and speaker sheet or optimize your current ones.
Finally, as a podcast host and specialist in influencer marketing, I can appreciate Nancy’s guidance on how to best pitch ideas to a podcaster. She is right on! So, if you are ready to be featured on virtual and live stages, this book is for you.
Your bio needs to let people know who you are, not what you’ve done. In 2015, I transformed my litany of accomplishments bio into a personal representation of me using the original Bye Bye Boring Bio. One of the first comments new patients would make when they came to see me for a consultation was “I feel like I already know you.”
Over the years in addition to creating brilliant bios, Nancy has expanded her offerings to help speakers, authors and experts from any field get ready, noticed and chosen when opportunity comes along. Any opportunity – speaking from stage, media appearances, print or internet articles, podcasts and even webinars.
In Bye Bye Boring Bio 2020, Nancy not only gives you templates to create your own brilliant bio but has also included links to 11 bonus videos, two audio trainings and a bonus workbook WITHIN the workbook to help you craft your speaker and media one sheets as well. This is truly an all-in-one resource to help speakers, authors and experts maximize their own opportunities and get seen, heard and paid for their worth.
Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook makes it fast and easy to break through the sameness so any decision maker can say “I feel like I already know you.’”
If you learn best by watching and listening, you’ll LOVE this.
Your Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook includes access to 11 powerful, practical video trainings and 2 audio trainings that offer even more support, resources, and inspiration to guide you to broadcast your brilliance and monetize your message as you attract more of the right opportunities to share your message with the right people and be of service. There is even a workbook within the workbook to guide you make pitches the media can’t resist.
- Step by Step instructions to optimize your LinkedIn profile
- The ABC’s of common bio blundersThe most important elements to include in the bio for the back of your book
- Make the most of your Amazon Author Central Profile to build a faucet of new leads to your business
- SEO, systems, press releases and your bio
- The how and the wow of creating lead magnets that convert
- How I grew my email list by 10,000 in just under six months and how you can, too
- JV mistakes even smart entrepreneurs make and what to do instead
- How to make virtual speaking pay off, even if you have just 20 minutes to make your point
- And so much more!
After taking in these bonus resources, you’ll be fired up and ready to take action transform your boring, boilerplate, and bland bio to the rock star status of which you and your expertise are so worthy.
Whether you need to attract new clients, invite media attention for your winning ways, or all of the above, you’ll gain at least 3 BIG insights and practical actions you can use immediately to make your bios for the web, your speaker sheet, and your social networking profiles better immediately to attract the connections, clients and cash you seek in your business.

Your 126-Page Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Digital Workbook is packed with bios that are already attracting connections, clients, and cash for speakers, experts and authors around the world to inspire you to transform yours from “boilerplate” to “really great.”
Value of NOT Struggling with a Blank Sheet of Paper a Moment Longer PRICELESS!
Your Wise Investment to Make the Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Your Own
Workbook by Mail – for USA buyers who love real books they can keep forever.
Digital Workbook – for International buyers who love instant gratification.
100% Happiness Guarantee
You should know that you’re taking absolutely no risk because your investment is backed by my personal 100% happiness guarantee. I am 100% confident that after you employ the powerful business-building knowledge and tools in Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 to your expert advantage, you will be in great position to prepare and share your story so more of the right people will pay attention and ENGAGE with you for the life of your successful business. That’s why I invite you to buy now so the benefits can begin as soon as possible.

I have long called Nancy Juetten the rock star of PR. She always shows up with her sassy sound bites, tips of witty wisdom and her arsenal of resources, one of which is her original book Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
My current bio was written using her template, which is easy to use and leaves you with a classy, customized curation of awesomeness about who you are, what you do, whom you serve, what results clients will receive and why you are different.
Nancy has now updated and upgraded her gift for current times, including how to position yourself with video, and the importance of that now. She does not disappoint with her up-leveled offering. If you are looking to turn your bio from woeful, snores-ville to WOW! and Hire-Me-Ville, you need Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020.
Amy Woidtke, COO, Making Space for You,
“I’ve had the good fortune of working with Nancy Juetten since way back when she launched Bye-Bye Boring Bio. I had no idea how much time, effort, and angst I would be saving by getting my bio completed using Nancy’s information and templates. Nancy and Bye-Bye Boring Bio helped me to clarify what I had to offer, who I served, and why I was qualified to best serve them. Priceless.
I’ve repurposed my bio and what I learned from and created using Bye-Bye Boring Bio time and again; for radio and TV hosts, for magazine editors, for meeting and event planners, for book publishers, for websites and social media, and even for a Hollywood producer. I was ready – thanks to Nancy and Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
Nancy is truly a gem. She is brilliant and knows what she is talking about. She thinks in sassy sound bites. She talks in sassy sound bites. And I imagine she even dreams in sassy sound bites – and you will too after using Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
There is no substitute for being prepared for opportunities that may come your way. Nancy Juetten and her Bye-Bye Boring Bio will get you prepared. Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 is even more powerful as you build your virtual platform.
So, if you’re ever called by a Hollywood producer AND you’ve worked with Nancy and her Bye-Bye Boring Bio, you will be ready. Set yourself up for success and invest in yourself and Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020.”
Coach Katherin
Creator of “Date to Mate Secrets” and “Cracking the Cupid Code”
I’ve repurposed my bio and what I learned from and created using Bye-Bye Boring Bio time and again; for radio and TV hosts, for magazine editors, for meeting and event planners, for book publishers, for websites and social media, and even for a Hollywood producer. I was ready – thanks to Nancy and Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
Nancy is truly a gem. She is brilliant and knows what she is talking about. She thinks in sassy sound bites. She talks in sassy sound bites. And I imagine she even dreams in sassy sound bites – and you will too after using Bye-Bye Boring Bio.
“If you are struggling to write your “about us” page for your website or any place you need your bio, Nancy Juetten’s Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook is the thing you need. It guides you find the pizzazz in your accomplishments and to stand out and attract the connections, clients, and income you seek—especially if you’re a speaker, expert, or author up to big things and need to share them with the world. Run, don’t walk, to get your copy!
Founder of Design Your Destiny Live, International Best-Selling Author in 5 Countries, and President of Upside Thinking, Inc.,

Business Bio Expert and Get Known to Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Thousands of speakers, experts, and authors attract connections, clients and cash as a direct result of lessons she shares to support their success. Luminaries including Alex Mandossian, Sandra Yancey, Christine Kloser, and more call her “The Bio Queen” for good reason. Her systems and methods guide her clients to be magnets at first glance for new clients, prestigious speaking gigs, media interviews, and joint venture partnerships with thought leaders and influence builders worldwide.
Workbook by Mail – for USA buyers who love real books they can keep forever.
Digital Workbook – for International buyers who love instant gratification.