My husband Steve Juetten, a Certified Financial Planner™, was delighted to get interviewed for a story on a while back. It turns out the reporter thought highly of his expertise and commentary because she called a second time to enlist Juetten’s commentary about another timely topic that is giving folks a run for their retirement accounts. When she called, she asked for an appointment. He said, “I know your time is valuable and deadlines are always looming. Would now be a good time for you?” What a wise question to ask. The reporter was thrilled to earn Juetten’s immediate attention, and the result of that conversation is a second story that you can read at this link.
Juetten’s commitment to be of service to the reporter, honor her time commitments, and provide stellar input for her story on the spot made her job of reporting much easier. Now, people everywhere who are raiding their retirement accounts to cope with today’s economic woes can benefit from Juetten’s sage advice, thanks to the fabulous reach of this article on
One good media placement can lead to another when you treat each conversation like a relationship you have the intention to build over time. Juetten’s “ink” on is proof positive of that. Now, with media momentum on Juetten’s side, perhaps coverage on MSN Money will soon follow. It has happened before, and I believe it can happen again.