While doing my annual “ditch it or keep it” file clearing, I found an email from Feb. 11, 2007 with some useful tips. They are STILL very timely for the welcome of a shiny New Year.
- Avoid toxic people. Bless them and release them.
- Rediscover the “delete” key. Two emails, and you are done.
- Say “no” within three minutes. Say something like, “This isn’t an ideal fit for me right now” or “I’m not in a position to take on that project right now.”
- Only take A+, values-aligned clients.
- Not everyone has to like you.
- Protect your time like your life depends on it — because it does.
- Be a pit bull for your life and your time.
- Define the qualities of an ideal client.
- Define what is not acceptable and stay true to those standards.
- Set specific boundaries for how much time you give away to people.
- Revisit pricing to make sure it is on target for the work, like, and clients you want.
- Specify the mix of work you want, and go get it.
- Keep track of your book of business by revenue stream.
- Keep your eye on the ball at all times.
What tips can you add to the list? Bring them on!
Join me, Tiamo De Vettori, and Jeanna Gabellini for the Rock Your 2015 Campfire Call on Jan. 5. Details are posted
here. www.getknowngetpaid.com/rock2015.