While doing my annual “ditch it or keep it” file clearing, I found an email from Feb. 11, 2007 with some useful tips.  They are STILL very timely for the welcome of a shiny New Year.

  • Avoid toxic people.  Bless them and release them.
  • Rediscover the “delete” key.  Two emails, and you are done.
  • Say “no” within three minutes.  Say something like, “This isn’t an ideal fit for me right now” or “I’m not in a position to take on that project right now.”
  • Only take A+, values-aligned clients.
  • Not everyone has to like you.
  • Protect your time like your life depends on it — because it does. 
  • Be a pit bull for your life and your time.
  • Define the qualities of an ideal client.
  • Define what is not acceptable and stay true to those standards.
  • Set specific boundaries for how much time you give away to people.
  • Revisit pricing to make sure it is on target for the work, like, and clients you want.
  • Specify the mix of work you want, and go get it.
  • Keep track of your book of business by revenue stream.
  • Keep your eye on the ball at all times.

What tips can you add to the list?  Bring them on!

10252076_10152912236722941_5703323144875749636_nJoin me, Tiamo De Vettori, and Jeanna Gabellini for the Rock Your 2015 Campfire Call on Jan. 5.  Details are postedspeeddialmassive here. www.getknowngetpaid.com/rock2015.