I am a big fan of being ready for the spotlight.  That’s why I am sharing a blog post that came my way via Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger.net that makes this point in a pretty compelling way.  Guest Blogger Joseph of Blog Tweaks advises, “Don’t Let Your Blog Be Caught with Its Pants Down.” I couldn’t agree more.  Read on, and you’ll get the message in a way that you won’t soon forget.

As Joseph’s post reveals, attracting the eyeballs of Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban, and a great many of their fans and followers right with them can create a powerful impact — or not if you are not ready.  I’ll let him tell you the rest of the story.  It’s enough to have you reaching for belts of all kinds.

Just curious.  What would happen to your business right this very minute if an avalanche of new people came to your website or blog right this minute?  Would you be prepared to capture their interest, earn their subscription to your ezine or RSS feed, or invite a sale right then and there?  If not, take some action today to move fast in that direction.  You never know who might be reading your blog and inviting their fans and followers to pay attention to you.