Hundreds of folks participated in the July 17 Worldwide VIRTUAL Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop, and Tiffany Kane was one of them.  She sent me the “before” and “after” version to showcase her own story transformation.   With the new story, she tells me she feels much more confident search for speaking opportunities to grow her business and begin her writing and speaking career.

The “before” version stated her life path without specific focus on the direction she is heading in her business.

The “after” version makes her path relevant to her ideal client, the benefit they can welcome with her support, and makes clear the next step she wants readers to take.  She makes her experience relevant to the role she now plays and shares enough about her own journey for the ideal client to know that she is someone they can like, trust, and respect to show them the way to a wonderful outcome.


Tiffany Kane has worked in and around the world of education for more than 20 years. She has served as a preschool director, elementary and middle school classroom teacher, high school administrator, university teaching assistant and adult educator, coach and trainer. She has a Master of Science degree in Educational Leadership from Pepperdine University and successfully completed doctoral level course work in Educational Psychology  at the University of Southern California.  She is a mom and step mom who is concerned about the education of the next generation and their ability to thrive in a world  that is changing faster than in any other time in history.


Tiffany Kane works with proactive parents who desperately want to love the most important job they will ever have, but sometimes feel overwhelmed by the day to day responsibilities that come with it. Through the Connected to Your Core Parenting Program™ seminars and private coaching, parents learn to embrace the perfect parent within, build confidence, eliminate self-doubt, trust themselves and have a lot more fun with their kids. Tiffany is fiercely committed to empowering parents to raise empowered children who think creatively, communicate effectively and take responsibility for their thoughts words and actions. Clients have praised Tiffany for encouraging parents to own their stuff in a kind way and then calling them to action. Despite a successful 20 year career in education and nearly complete doctoral degree in Educational Psychology, Tiffany found herself feeling afraid and unsure about her ability to raise her own toddler son upon the sudden and unexpected death of her husband. She is acutely aware of the fact that you do not have to be a widowed, suddenly single mom to wrestle with fear and sabotaging self-doubt when it comes to raising your kids. Download you free MP3 audio program, “Raising Empowered Children,” at

Thank you Tiffany for sharing your story transformation.   Great work.

It is incredibly rewarding for me to guide action-focused storytellers like Tiffany to achieve quality outcomes.  I’ll be sharing some of the other stellar story examples in the days to come so you can see how effective the process is by which I guide my clients to tell client attracting stories all their own.  Maybe some of these people are folks you need to do business with right now.  If that is the case, all the better.  Why?  Because my work is all about guiding clients to get seen, heard, celebrated and ultimately compensated for their winning ways!

If your story needs some transformation for better client attraction, come on along for the NEXT Worldwide Virtual Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop on September 25 from noon – 3 p.m.   Find all the details here.