I love it when Publici-Tea™ guests connect with me to share their amazing do-it-yourself publicity success. Today, Betsy Talbot wrote to share some pretty exciting news. Here, in her own words, is the latest development.

Hey, I’m getting popular these days! Examiner.com, one of the fastest-growing websites for local news and content, has appointed me the Seattle Women & Business blogger. I’ll be posting once or twice a week on business news for women in the Seattle area and trying to grab a portion of those 2 million monthly visitors as customers. I made the connection to get this job through one of my eWomen contacts, the amazing Elizabeth Rightor. Thank you! Any doubts remaining on how blogging and networking can improve your business? I’m slightly delirious right now with excitement over this great news for my company, and I hope you will join me in the celebration by going over to the site and subscribing to the blog. You can even sign up to receive email updates when I post new articles, just like my regular blog. ‘ll continue to encourage you all to explore social media and online networking to make your small business small in operational size only. Your impact can be HUGE, and the first step in doing that is to start thinking big. Every success we have individually benefits us all as a networking group, and I love sharing this great news with all of you. (and yes, you may hear about this in a few places – I shared this on Ning and my regular blog and it will be in my ezine later this week – Nancy Juetten would scold me for not making the most of this great news!)

Thanks Betsy. Way to set a winning example. You rock!