Bio and Branding Wow Now

Stand Out and Be Remembered in a Cluttered Marketplace.  Make Your Impact and Attract all the Attention, Clients and Money You Want!

Are you ready to transform from invisible to visible?

Sick and tired of suffering in obscurity?

Ready to bask in the the light of recognition for your special gifts?

Eager to transform from unknown to known?

Serious about transitioning from stuck to unstoppable?

If so, the Bio & Branding Wow Now Digital Webinar Series & Toolkit is for you!

Let’s Face It. Talking about Your Business is Hard.
Writing about Yourself is Even Harder.

  • In fact, did you know that your audio logo is among the hottest marketing tools you’ve got?
  • If you notice that you get the “bobble head bob” instead of a “head whip reaction” when you answer the “What do you do?” question …
  • If people have the “deer in the headlights gaze” instead of a wide eyed WOW when they read your bio or your share your story in conversation …
  • If you sense people are at arm’s length when you tell them what you do instead of leaning in …

Your words are standing in the way of prosperity.

Just imagine how it will feel when you get your story nailed … finally.

  • No more struggle finding the right words or getting out of your own way to describe what you do, why it matters and for whom.
  • You’ll have your message polished so you can move ahead with confidence.
  • And, you will attract more of the right people to your practice as soon as possible.

Bio and Branding Wow Now Digital Webinar and Toolkit is for You If:

  • When you talk about your business, you can see people’s eyes glaze over on the spot.
  • You tell them how to build a grandfather clock, instead of telling them what time it is. You know it is time for a different approach.
  • You can’t introduce yourself in 7 seconds or less and have a prayer of being remembered well for what you said.
  • Writing about yourself has you tied up in knots, and you are ready to get over that now.Your bio continually fails to make prospects say “wow.”
  • You dream of getting in the media, but you don’t know the first thing about getting started or all of your efforts have resulted in nada.
  • You’ve invested in your business with books or other seminars, but haven’t had enough individualized attention to focus on YOUR issues, YOUR particular problem, or words that will work for YOU. You want that now because the urgency to get your business grooving can’t be ignored a moment longer.

“They delivered everything they promised and gave content beyond what I even expected.”

It’s impossible to see your own work clearly. You are too attached to your message and brand to see it the way your clients do. I was having a challenge creating my sound bites, bio and media pitches. I decided to work with Liz and Nancy because they promised meat and potatoes content, honest, direct feedback, and hands on advice and suggestions. These two sharp and powerful women more than delivered on their promise.

I got plenty of personal attention that focused on my specific challenges. I also learned an amazing amount from listening to Liz and Nancy help others on the call. Their skills and areas of expertise complimented each other beautifully. The ideas and suggestions came so quickly from both of them it was like being in a firestorm of brilliance. They delivered everything they promised and gave content beyond what I even expected.

If you’re looking for fresh, new, exciting ideas to give your brand and story a face lift and makeover, then attending the Boot Camp is exactly what you need.

Gigi Centaro • America’s Dinnertime Cheerleader
Award-winning author and speaker

“Being able to sell yourself is everything.”

As a virtual assistant, I often write content for my clients. However, writing my own content has always proved to be difficult. Rewriting my bio and working on my branding had been on my “to-do list” for a while, but my client work always took precedence.

After listening to the introductory call with Liz and Nancy, I knew it was time. The strategies and individual suggestions provided in the Boot Camp were critical to the development of my story. Nancy and Liz provide the information you need in an energetic, resourceful and powerful manner. I highly recommend their Tele-Boot Camp, as well as their supporting materials.

Thank you Nancy and Liz!

Lisa Schulteis • Today’s Virtual Edge, Port Washington, WI

“This Bio and Branding Wow Webinar Series took us from confusion to clarity.”

Before working with Nancy and Liz, we were really struggling with our brand. We knew we had a great message, but just didn’t know how to make it clear and compelling.

Week after week during the boot camp, Nancy and Liz continually challenged us with their questions and assignments. Along the way, their great energy and support moved us forward. It was worth all the hard work – and then some!

We recently got the chance to practice our new branding, “Nutrition Unmasked,” at a large conference. The reaction was amazing! People quickly “got” our message and there was tremendous interest in our program – all a direct result of the work we did during Nancy and Liz’s Tele-Boot Camp.

We can now clearly articulate our value and stand out in a crowded market. With the help of Liz and Nancy, the pieces came together and then the magic just flowed!

Thanks Nancy and Liz – you are both amazing!

Johnell & Michael McCauley

“This Bio and Brand Wow Webinar Series was AWESOME!”

Before taking your course, I felt completely overwhelmed with how to get my story out into the world in a powerful way. The tips, “done-for-you” templates and media secrets that you and Liz shared are going to save me so much time and eliminate wasted effort because I now know the best strategies for crafting a winning bio that I can use to attract my ideal client. In addition, I learned TONS about connecting with the media and being “seen” as a great resource for my specific topic of expertise.

Liz’s creative input in media sound bites was also fabulous and I especially loved all the personalized feedback and suggestions you both gave to everyone in the group .

This course had so much juicy content and the recordings are now a fabulous addition to my success library!
Thanks again,

Shannon Presson

If you want what these satisfied
clients are having, say YES now.

I Want To Invest!

Liz Goodgold and Nancy Juetten: Expert Guidance and Insight Times 2

Branding Expert Liz Goodgold and Bio Doctor Nancy Juetten joined forces for a six-week window to bring in the relief to scores of participants who loved this course and welcomed media results, new clients, speaking gigs, and interviews as a direct result of their participation.When you make the wise choice to buy and embrace the lessons packed within, you will be ready and able to share your own memorable, client-attracting story online, offline, in person, during radio and TV interviews, and during teleseminars and webinars at a moment’s notice 24/7 to welcome all the new client engagements you seek.Your guides are two experts who write and speak their own talk and guide thousands of people around the world to both write and speak theirs with confidence and ease.These sound bite wizards are so electric, engaging, and on fire that you will be entertained by their interaction as your learn essential lessons that will make a powerful impact on your business forever.

  • During this series of six recorded, content-rich webinars, you will learn from Liz and Nancy how to create your memorable brand and story so you can speak and write about your business in a way that attracts clients now and for the life of your successful business.
  • You’ll be able to say who you serve, the wow you deliver and why it matters.
  • You’ll be able to do so in a concise, compelling, and credible way that packs a punch.
  • You’ll be confident as you share your memorable, remarkable, repeatable and magnetic story.
  • In today’s ADD world, if you can’t speak your WOW in seven seconds, you are sunk. Liz is going to show you how to get to the magic of your message so you can navigate the next networking event, cocktail party, or business conference and connect with people so they can’t wait to see you and work with you again.
  • When prospects are serious about finding service providers who can ease their very specific aches and pains, 94% of them go to “Google” to search for what they need. If YOUR IDEAL clients went looking for you, would they be astounded to read your story and compelled to pick up the phone, send you an email, or ask for a meeting? If the answer is NO, chances are your snoozer-loser bio is standing in your way.Nancy will explain how to put life into the words you write so your ideal client reads about you and can’t wait to work with you.

Most webinars are lucky if they can get one expert who is on target and on the money. With this six-part series, you get TWO world-class experts! Working with Liz Goodgold AND Nancy Juetten means:

  • You get twice the expert access to focus on issues that are relevant to your business.
  • You experience their laser-focused bio and brand feedback from experts who have worked on some of the biggest brands in the business including Quaker Oats, World Trade Center, Univision, ProFlowers, and more!
  • You benefit from hearing INTERACTIVE recorded sessions that spark interest, hold your attention, and leave you waiting eagerly for the next class.
  • And, you can listen to the “Red Hot Seats” to apply the lessons showcased to your own buzz and benefit.

This Recorded Webinar Six Pack and Digital Product Bundle is just what you need.

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How to Stand Out, Be Remembered, and SHINE
with Bio and Branding Wow Now as Your Guide:

7 Audio Files, 6 PowerPoint Presentations, and 6 High Value Bonus Tools are Packed with Juicy Content, Homework, and Compelling “Before” and “After” Examples to Make Your Brand and Story Stand Out and Shine.

Apply What You Learn to Your Expert Advantage, No Matter Where You Live or Work in the World.

You just take a bite out of the juicy, actionable content, one delicious bite at a time, one week at a time so it becomes part of you forever.

Check out the practical lessons we be share over the five-part program.


“Boost Your Brand and Business with a Magnetic
Personal Brand and Memorable Story”

You will learn:

  • The “holy grail” of personal branding
  • Why the 3o-second infomercial is dead and why you need to master a “7-second hook”
  • How to incorporate a cool quotient into your brand
  • Any why you need your mom to help you build your brand
  • Why your story matters now more than ever
  • What authentic visibility can add to your brand, your buzz, and your business
  • Why that DIY headshot is the wrong way to put your best face forward
  • Crucial insider secrets to help you attract attention


“Getting To Flawless Recall: How To Get People To
Remember You In Order To Do Business With You.”

  • Determine your brand DNA so that your 7-second hook is appropriate for you!
  • Get “Word Appeal!” — Create words and phrases that cause a “head whip” effect
  • Top secrets to getting your name on everybody’s lips
  • The 7 secrets of working a networking event — and it’s NOT what you think
  • Master the art of the “f” word – follow up!


“Bye-Bye Boring Bio — How to Write a Bio that Speaks
Your WOW Right Now and Gets Your Phone to Ring

  • The ABC’s of bio writing — transforming bio blunders into door openers
  • One size bio doesn’t fit all — the low down on how to get dressed and ready for interviews and other close encounters of the influence-building and money-making kind
  • Red Fire Hot Seats: YOUR bio transformed to your biz and buzz building advantage!
  • Nancy and Liz create YOUR story on the spot, on the fly, and on the money!


Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About:
How to Build Buzz and Your Biz

  • How to make a pitch the media can’t resist
  • The 5-Star recipe to earn media attention just about every time
  • How to create and pitch YOUR story with impact and pizzazz so reporters and palpitating to learn more based on YOUR story
  • Who are you going to call, and it is NOT Ghostbusters! How to find the right reporter to share YOUR good news, including useful resources to make it easier than ever.


Extra Hot Seats to Pack Even More Value into This
Webinar Experience and Showcase Examples Galore
to Transform Boring Brands and Bios into
Magnetic, Client-Attracting Stories!


“Grabbing Media Attention: Essential And Practical
Tools That Get You Quoted And In The Spotlight!”

  • How to respond to reporter queries that get you quoted
  • Write “screaming good” headlines for your articles and press releases
  • Develop soundbites that must go into every media interview
  • Master the do’s and don’ts of every media appearance


“Putting it All Together: How to Waltz into
Stardom to Gain Respect and the Business”

  • This session is the ultimate “hands-on” training with everything you want to know
    candid Q & A.
  • Liz and Nancy provide the answers and offer custom answers to ease storytelling pain.
  • Even more “Red Hot Seats” to bring the content alive for service professionals serious about earning big results.
  • How to build mindshare that translates into marketshare.
  • Now what? Next steps to take, step by step, to pave your path to authentic visibility, buzz, respect, and new business!

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“Nancy saved my bio.”

My bio was out of date by about two years, and I knew it needed help, I just never made time because I’m always so busy with clients or building the business. In just one short conversation with Nancy, she pulled information out of me I didn’t even know was in there! The stories and examples I shared with her were invaluable to recreating my bio. In such a short time, I came away with amazing sound bites I can use with my clients to create instant rapport and credibility. The crazy thing is that all of this information was in me the whole time, I just needed someone brilliant to evoke it from me.”

Sara Harvey Yao • Yao Consulting Group LLC, Seattle, WA

“The bio and branding wow webinar series I took with Nancy Juetten and Liz Goodgold is excellent.”

With their combined guidance I experienced many ‘aha’ moments. I refined who my ideal clients are and realized that my goal of making my bio sound more business like was in contradiction with the goal off attracting those ideal clients. I am in the magic and mystical business and I wish to attract clients intrigued and who have experiences with same. these calls helped me realize that. I have released the belief of trying to ‘normalize’ what I do. That information is priceless.”

Shannon Laackmann • The Psychic Cowgirl

“I received 10 times the value I paid!”

During my career I have worked with a number of ‘experts’ and have always benefited. However, in the one appointment I had with Liz, I learned more “instantly applicable” information than I even dreamed possible. In the one meeting I received 10 times the value I paid!”

Judi Finneran • President of Team Women in Business

“I gained clarity about what I can say about myself in a fun and interesting way.”

I am excited about launching my speaking business so I can make my mark on the world in service to others. Having other people hear and respond to the draft bio helped and motivates me to make sure this gets finished. This was so much fun! Nancy just lights up doing what she is so gifted to share.”– Audrey Godwin

“The training from both Liz Goodgold and Nancy Juetten is amazing.”

They both challenge your thinking and teach you to expand your possibilities. I would highly recommend it if you are looking to tell a better story about who you are and all that you have to offer.”

Johnell Borer McCauley

“Liz, you’ve exceeded my expectations …”

by miles and are really helping me to focus on how to talk to people about who I am and what I can do for them. I’m already getting positive feedback.”

Maureen A. Lyons • Attorney at Law

“Liz, one hour with you and your marketing strategies has made me completely rethink my marketing plan.”

“I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table!”

Sabrina Dagostino • Author of “Living Life Residually”

“Thank you, Nancy, for using your gifts and calling to help me get my message out to the world in a more intriguing way.”

“You help my written voice to speak better. Every speaker, author, and small business owner needs you in their arsenal!”

Krista Dunk

“Nancy, thank you so much for opening my eyes to the real potential for my business or anybody else’s business. This was one of those “aha moments” for me.”

Rafael Miret

“Nancy, It was most impressive to see and hear you be willing to deliver input on our bios as we presented them to you today. Courageous AND well done! Again, thank you.”

Rags Madison

“I love Liz’s quick, sharp, wildly funny mind and ability to zero right into what will make you memorable -people have to remember you to do business with you and Liz will make it happen for you.”

Ann Ronan, Ph.D. • GrantRight, President, Orange County Chapter,
Grant Professionals Association,

“Nancy Juetten has helped me find clarity on how to express my true inner brilliance and gifts, which will help me to fulfill my potential, and live more joyfully.”

She shared her step-by-step strategies that no one has ever told us, but once we hear them it makes perfect sense. It causes a lot of ah-ha’s! It will change your business—and your world for those of you who are ready to step into greatness. I am forever grateful to her for sharing her wisdom in the ways that she has.”

Beverly Boston

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All of These Buzz and Brand Building
Digital Bonuses are Included!

(They sell for $127 on an a la carte basis. You get them all as part of
your Bio and Branding Wow Now Webinar Series and Toolkit!)


YES! I am ready to Create Bio and Branding WOW for My Service Business Now with Liz and Nancy as my Virtual Guides.

Your own digital copy of Red Fire Branding: Create a Hot Personal Brand to Have Customers for Life

— 233 pages of stories, worksheets, examples and WOW.

$40 Value

99 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Brand and Business Digital eTips Booklet

— tips to guide your every word, gesture, wardrobe choice and more to be on fire and magnetic for the life of your successful, well branded business.

$10 Value

Your digital copy of Duh! Marketing: 99 Monstrous Missteps You Can Use to Learn, Laugh, and Grow Your Business!

$20 Value

Your digital copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio

— your ultimate results system to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews with the right bio for the right situation.

$47 Value

147 Powerful Ways to Boost Business and Profit from Free Publicity

Digital Etips Booklets

$10 Value

You’ll get special access to the templates, samples, and examples that Liz and Nancy use every day to invite and respond to virtual and live speaking opportunities with ease, speed, and impact. You can use these winning examples to create your own successful materials and SHOW UP like a rock star every time.


You Get Everything Here Plus 7 Engaging Recorded Sessions and PowerPoint Support for the Wise Investment of $297!

If you were to engage Nancy and Liz privately for six private sessions, your investment would be thousands of dollars. Now you can benefit from the double dip of branding and storytelling expertise for a fraction of that investment!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

When you act on the information Nancy Juetten and Liz Goodgold share during this recorded webinar series and via the generous bonus materials provided, you will be well equipped to write and speak your story so you can attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention. Remember that action is always the key. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, make your refund request within 30 days of purchase to receive a refund.

Make your purchase right now so the fireworks can begin for you and your brand and story as soon as possible.

You Get Everything for the Wise Investment of $297!

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More Raves from Happy Clients!

“Nancy’s outstanding wordsmithing revamped my boring boilerplate bio and helped me create a captivating elevator speech. If you’ve got writer’s block when it comes to writing about yourself, Nancy is the one who’ll get you unstuck.”

Mindy Landesman • Mindy’s Miracle Fitness, Mercer Island, WA

“Nancy creates in infectious enthusiasm to guide each of us into owning our true power, confidence, and a better way of sharing our stories with those who are looking to find us. Thank you.”

Doug Barlow

“Liz, you did more for me in 2 days than speakers have done for me in two years.”

Kelly Swanson • Professional Speaker


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Nancy “Broadcast Your Brilliance” Juetten

Nancy Juetten is a storyteller, workshop leader, and author who shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPEN$ATED for the expert status. Nancy created Bye-Bye Boring Bio to help coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention now. Nancy’s essential advice is this: “It’s your story. Tell it well.” She is your champion for authentic visibility.

Liz “Red Fire Branding” Goodgold

Liz Goodgold is a branding and marketing guru with a world renown reputation for delivering whip smart branding strategies to thousands of entrepreneurs and executives each year. She consistently delivers bullet-tested strategies based upon her consulting work with Quaker Oats, Univision, Sharp HealthCare, ProFlowers, and MusicMatch. Count on Liz to deliver brand-enhancing, money-making advice from one of the world’s most innovative thinkers.

I am buying Bio & Branding Wow Now Digital
Webinar Series and Toolkit Right Now!

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