Donna Kozik 120313 Details

Let the Healing for Boring Bios Begin – The Bio Doc is In

Donna Kozik and Nancy Juetten

Nancy “Bye-Bye Boring Bio” Juetten chooses from among the bios callers submit to her by email before the call and makes them better with powerful teaching tidbits to benefit everyone who tunes in.

Follow These Directions to Get Consideration:

  •     Be among the early responders to send your bio to Nancy’s email for consideration at Nancy will choose from those stories submitted within the first 48 hours.
  •     Put Donna Kozik in the subject line.
  •     Share your best effort draft and the objective you want to achieve — attract  clients, speaking gigs, media attention or something more.
  •     Nancy will comment on as many stories and offer tips to make them better on the spot.
  •     She’ll highlight important lessons about bio structure and objective so there are lessons to be learned from every example from which everyone can benefit.


Here are the Call In details at a glance:

CALL DATE: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
CALL TIME: 4:00pm Pacific
LISTENING METHOD: Phone + Web Simulcast

To Access the Live Call by Phone, Dial This Number: (206) 402-0100
Pin/ConferenceID: 293818#

To Access the Call via Webcast, Visit This Link:



If you want to heal your boring bio to attract clients and cash, access this gift guide so you can Heal Your Boring Business Bio right now!

heal-your-boring-bio-cover-for-web (3)











This is going to be a great call with a lot of valuable information, so mark this information in your calendar now.

Please join us at least 5 minutes early to make sure you get in.

We will start promptly.

“See” you there and then!


Nancy Juetten and Donna Kozik