Help a Reporter Out (HARO) Founder Peter Shankman alerted me to a new service debuting April 20 that do-it-yourself publicists and bloggers will want to know about and benefit from. It’s called Blogger Link Up, and it’s a free service being launched by Cathy Stucker, the Idea Lady herself.
The purpose of the service is to help bloggers get exposure for their content and find content for their blogs. Much like HARO, this is a free service through which you can post queries or respond to queries that bring bloggers and their expertise together. Blogger Link Up makes it easy for you to:
- Request guest blogger posts
- Request sources for interviews or round ups
- Offer guest posts to bloggers
- Offer products for bloggers to review
The service is slated to officially launch on April 20, though you can start making requests now. Why not sign up and see what kind of magic you can manifest for your expertise or your products? Again, it’s free to sign up and benefit, and the opportunities you bring about are up to you.