Since meeting Joe Pallo last year, my own client enrollment system has welcomed a 100% overhaul at the feet of Joe’s wisdom and inspiration, and the results have been amazing.

During this special session I hosted for the alumni of the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp & Intimate Group Mastermind and my best referral partners, Joe shares his proven approach to asking for and receiving quality referrals and gives participants the opportunity to practice while in the virtual Zoom room.

My fondest hope and intention for this SELL NOTHING call is that you will meet others who can accelerate and amplify your success, welcome the opportunity to share your good news, and also get to learn something new that can be game-changing for bringing about results in your business.

Here is a link to Referral Recap that summarizes the training: Referral Recap 5.16.23 

Here is the link to the video training:

Note: The first 8 minutes of the video, I share a personal and business update. Then Joe Pallo delivers his magic.

Here’s a way to learn more from Joe Pallo:

Here’s a way to recruit an assistant to support you in your podcast guesting efforts as a top performer as a gift from me.