FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Bellevue, WA — With a shiny New Year debuting soon, Business Bio Expert Nancy Juetten says now is the nancy-orange-background (3)time to refresh business bios for optimal client attraction in 2015.

“You really can create know-like-trust at first glance without speaking a word when you let your client-attracting business bio do the talking,” Juetten says.

Today, the solutions to what so many consumers and potential clients are looking for can be found in a quick internet search. The message that comes up quickly can make the difference between picking up the phone, sending an email, or clicking away – never to be seen or heard from again.

That is why creating know-like-trust in your expertise at first glance matters. After all, when potential clients are seeking solutions to problems, they look for proven experts with whom they can wisely invest to give them relief to whatever is ailing them. Whether clients are seeking investment advice, medical care, or eyelash extensions, decisions to engage are often made in an instant based on the information found with the click of a mouse.

Brilliant Bio Template FB Ad 2015Since first impressions are crucial, Juetten is offering her proven Brilliant Bio Now Template as a free download for a limited time.

She also shares 8 tips for business owners to make that first glance count.

== Declare your intention to be major in your field with every social media profile, bio box, and speaker introduction.

“Showcase the expertise you want to be known for in front of your name.” Juetten recommends. “That makes it a lot easier for potential clients to find you in an internet search and through the referrals of champions who understand your expertise well enough to recommend you to others.”

== Convey credibility and a pattern of success over time.

Juetten says that stunning, decisive results are the reason clients invest wisely to benefit from products, programs, and services. “Showcase a consistent, ongoing pattern of accomplishments and relevant credentials to build confidence in your skills and talents and inspire an immediate desire to do business,” she advises.

== Pack your profile with pizzazz, personality and a philosophy of doing business.

“Clients invest in experts they know, like and trust, Juetten says. “Go beyond ‘blah, blah, blah’ and make sure to put YOU in the story. A statement of philosophy, concise and compelling quotes from happy clients, and a statement around your reason for doing this work can make your bio stand out and ring true.”

== Your photo matters.

== Be ready for opportunity whenever it knocks.

== Message consistency keeps buyer confusion at bay.

Juetten explains, “Make sure the stories you share across social media platforms, the ‘about me’ page on your website, and the home page of your website are consistent in communicating who you serve, how you help, and why the work matters. An inconsistent message is bound to confuse a potential buyer, and a confused buyer never buys.”

== Proofread.

== Share your story.

Juetten offers even more specifics and expert support to make business bios world-class and client attracting in an upcoming webinar that will share the 3 biggest bio blunders that even smart business owners make that prevent their ideal clients from hiring them.  Claim your place at 

About Business Bio Expert and Get Known to Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten

Nancy Juetten shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Luminaries including Alex Mandossian, Sandra Yancey, Christine Kloser, Vinca Heart and more call her “The Bio Queen” for good reason. Her systems and methods deliver new clients, prestigious speaking gigs, media interviews, and joint venture partnerships with thought leaders and influence builders worldwide. She leads the Worldwide Virtual Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop three times a year, and the next one begins January 28, 2015. Download your Brilliant Bio Now gift template today and get started now.
