Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Edit

Do You Suffer from "The Bio Cringe" and Visibility Envy?

And, are You Ready to Change that to Your Expert Advantage?

From: Nancy "Broadcast Your Brilliance" Juetten Bellevue, WA, USA

Hi Spotlight Seeker,

If you’ve seen your competitors welcome more clients and high visibility speaking engagements with businesses and perfect people YOU would like to be serving, chances are you may be suffering from a common ailment that I call visibility envy.   You have a great business, superior value to offer,  and a compelling story to tell.  You just don’t know how to tell it to invite engagements, speaking gigs, and media attention.  That makes it a whole lot harder to get known, attract the right opportunities, and make the kind of money you want.   I often quip that my ideal clients are spotlight seekers who are dissatisfied with their wattage and ready to do something about it.  If that is you, you have arrived at the right place to get the expert guidance you need to change that for the better.

 "Rescue My Bio Now."

These are words clients use when they finally to get to the place where they are ready to set aside the struggle of finding the right words to speak their wow right now.  And I am happy to show them and you a better way.  The fact is, there is a lot of stumbling and bumbling around going on as spotlight seekers worldwide attempt to attract the right attention to move their businesses forward.  One recent survey of business owners within their first three years reported that 97% struggle describing what they do in a confident, inviting way that grabs attention.   That represents a lot of lost opportunities to be of service.  I want to do my part to change that for you for the better as soon as possible.

For example:

  • Are you using the same story to meet ALL your needs and wondering why no one is beating a path to your door?
  • Are you forgetting to describe the real transformation you provide?  If you are helping people get unstuck but you aren’t sharing what happens next for them, this is you.  It is the what happens next piece that is most important of all!
  • Do you find it just plain hard to write or talk about yourself?
  • Are you frustrated that you can’t find the right words that can invite the attention you want?
  • Is your brilliance hiding in your blind spot?
  • Maybe you can’t figure out how to link your prior career experience in a relevant and interesting way that packs a punch for inviting clients to engage with you for what you are doing now.

Help is Close at Hand and Control Over Your Best Opportunities is within Reach.

Today, we all have a lot more control over our visibility and prosperity than ever before.  If you want to get seen, heard, and celebrated  so more people know what you do, why it matters, and why you are the best expert to comment and contribute, it is simply a matter of preparing and sharing your story so more of the right people see and are inspired to ACT upon your invitation to journey forward together.  The right people are waiting to benefit from the value you have to share if your message would just stand out and make its impact.  That’s why I created the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series.

You really can attract new clients, speaking opportunities, and additional highly leveraged ways to share your message through the power of visibility if you jump into inspired action and learn some essential skills that can serve your business success forever.  And, when you learn and practice these lessons that I am skilled and inspired to share, you will be in great shape to make the most of traditional and online visibility to YOUR best expert and balance sheet advantage for  the life of your successful business.

No More Going It Alone Means Success Comes Faster for YOU.

I’d like to be your guide to show you how so you are confident, skilled, and forever ready to take control over your own visibility and prosperity. Financial planners, coaches, authors, marketing strategists, speakers, and authors are among over one hundred happy graduates who are singing the praises of this course and the results they earned in their business as a direct result of the lessons learned during five high-impact weeks. The Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series is just about the best thing I do to support the success of independent business professionals around the world to transform boring bios and speaker sheets into client and opportunity magnets and guide others to write press releases and story pitches that turn heads and invite attention.  Best of all, the results graduates are welcoming fuel my enthusiasm to teach this course again and again as if it was the first time.


I am  Nancy Juetten. 



While serving as a publicist and storyteller for clients big and small, I’ve developed keen skills and proven systems to get at the magic of what makes my clients special, memorable, and remarkable so they can attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now. Part of my success is fueled by my own curiosity about people and my passion for authentic storytelling. A bigger part of it is fueled by a deep-felt belief that everyone has a story worth telling. I am a huge fan of Oprah Winfrey, and she says that it is a basic human need to be seen, heard, and validated. We all crave to know that we matter. I believe that in my gut, my heart, and my head. I’ve written bios for people who are famous, successful, amazing, and remarkable and leveraged those bios to help my clients earn meaningful media coverage that has fueled their visibility, enhanced their professional reputations, and contributed to their balance sheets. I’ve also applied my own bio writing and publicity advice to build my own brand and reputation.   In fact, I was just named by WE magazine as among the top 100 women in ECommerce for 2012 alongside luminaries including Lisa Sasevich, Ali Brown, and more!

I’ve earned scores and scores of media placements in prestigious business journals, magazines, and newspapers in my own backyard and beyond and invited new client relationships and purchases of my products and workshops from publicity-seeking business owners around the world. Getting seen, heard, celebrated and compensated for my own expert status has been both a healing journey and one that has opened new doors to revenue generation that give me and my family cause for celebration. I’ve walked my own talk and welcomed great results in my business. I want you to have what I am having.

This Webinar Series is for Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Service Professionals, and Those in Some Stage of "Reinvention Intervention" who are:

  • On a mission that is much bigger than making a living, though that is certainly important.
  • Making a big difference for others, and you want to expand the impact of your gifts to people who need what you offer.
  • Ready to transform from invisible to visible.
  • Sick and tired of suffering in obscurity.
  • Ready to shine in the light of media and big audience recognition for your special gifts.
  • DONE with being unknown and ready to get known.
  • Motivated to roll up their sleeves to move beyond stuck to be unstoppable.
  • Ready to put pen to paper to tell a story that turns heads and invites opportunities now.

Check out This "Before" and "After" Example to See the Client-Attracting Bio Transformation

The "before" bio is all about Laura.  The "after" bio is all about what Laura can do for you.  Which is more compelling to you as a potential client?


Laura Fenamore, CPCC, is the CEO of Body Image Mastery, LLC and founder of, a global online community that extends support and friendship to women who wish to change the way they feel about themselves and their bodies. Her forthcoming book Weightless: A Body Image Revolution, a memoir/self-help book is currently in submission for publication and her 12-week Body Image Mastery Course supports her private coaching practice. She lives a healthy, joyful life of faith and gratitude in Northern California.


Body Image Mastery Coach and Speaker Laura Fenamore:

Guiding Women to Love What They See in the Mirror, One Pinky at a Time

Body Image Mastery Coach Laura Fenamore is on a mission to guide women around the world to love what they see in the mirror, one pinky at a time, so they can unlock the secrets to a healthy weight and start loving their lives as soon as possible.  Her popular Body Image Mastery program is celebrated by hundreds of women who have lost weight, reclaimed self-esteem, and started bold, happy lives with Laura and her proven programs as their guide.   Having overcome her own battle with addiction, obesity, and eating disorders, Laura released over 100 pounds 24 years ago to begin a journey to guide other women to live more joyous, balanced lives. The author of the forthcoming book Weightless: 7 Tools to Love Your Body (and Lose Weight for Good). Laura is also a frequent contributor to local and national media – including First for Women, Ladies Home Journal, the Dr. Pat Show and a blog contributor on Betty Confidential, Daily Love and Positively Positive.  Laura believes that self-love and self-care are where the transformation begins. Learn more about her programs or invite her to speak or contribute to your conference at

Transform Your Boring Bio & Speaker Sheet into Client and Opportunity Magnets.  Write Press Releases and Story Pitches that Turn Heads and Invite Attention.

Would you like to be able to share your own memorable, client-attracting story on your home page, your "about me" page, in person, during radio and TV interviews, and during teleseminars and webinars at a moment’s notice to welcome all the new client engagements you seek?In this live webinar series, you will learn essential lessons that will make a powerful impact on your business forever as you tell stories all your own that actually contribute to your ability to make money now.
  • You will learn how to create your memorable story so you can speak and write about your business in a way that attracts clients now and for the life of your successful business.
  • You’ll be able to say who you serve, the wow you deliver and why it matters to attract clients, media attention and more.
  • You’ll be able to do so in a concise, compelling, and credible way that makes you beam with pride and become a magnet for more of the right opportunities.
  • As you get to know your fellow classmates and their stories through your private online member forum, you’ll become part of a community of like-minded professionals who give and receive feedback and support and celebrate successes as they happen to keep everyone moving forward in inspired ways that deliver the results.
  • If you like, you can choose a "Bio and Storytelling Buddy" to serve as your accountability partner throughout the program and make a friend for life as you do.
  • Apply to step into ther "Steeping Hot Seats" each week.  Just submit your application with your completed homework assignment no later than 48 hours before the next class to earn consideration.  You’ve got to be prepared for "tough love" because we are here to do the work to make you stand out and shine, and that means telling the truth and finding the words to up your game.

Watch and Learn How Founder Laura Fenamore Benefited from This Course

[flv width="470" height="325" image="/images/vidtest1-ss.jpg"]/video/LAURA_FENAMORE_ON_NANCY_JUETTEN.flv[/flv]

When You Take Action on What You Learn, Prospects Get to YES Faster and …

  • You attract more of the right people to your practice as soon as possible as opposed to wishing your bio was better and hiding out while you wait for message perfection.

  • No more struggle finding the right words or getting out of your own way to describe what you do, why it matters and for whom because you finally get the expert guidance you need.

  • You move ahead with confidence with media interviews, speaking engagements, and new client enrollment conversations as opposed to tripping when opportunity knocks.

  • You forever know how to respond to a media query and make a story pitch like a pro instead of stumbling and bumbling along and feeling unsure about whether or not you are making the right moves.

  • You are recognized in your own backyard and beyond so your spouse and kids will understand what all the fuss is about in your business!

GREAT RESULTS within weeks.

Associated Press Coverage, Speaking Gigs, Media Interviews, New Clients, and More.

America’s Dinnertime Cheerleader™ Gigi Centaro created a "rock star" speaker sheet that is opening doors for her to share her message with bigger audiences.

Virtual Assistant Lisa Schulteis of Today’s Virtual Edge reports winning new clients in competitive situations because her home page and message stand out and shine.

Elizabeth Venturini made a successful pitch to the Associated Press, and the news about her partner’s Mona Lisa exhibit has traveled worldwide. She earned 191,000 media placements for the exhibit as a direct result of applying the lessons she learned in this course, including the front page of the most read daily newspaper in Italy.

Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff –

"Great news – we were just on a radio interview utilizing the tools we learned in your Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series. To secure the interview, we talked in juicy phrases from our new bios instead of simply describing what we do. Then we gave new life to our stories on the show. This impressed the interviewer. Thank you for showing us a fresh way to present ourselves!"

Cancer Recovery Coach Faina Gregory invited media interviews as a result of learning how to write a pitch the media can’t resist. She writes, "I was interviewed last week for an article in Health Monitor, a magazine with a large circulation to hospitals and doctors. They are working on a big Cancer issue for October. I was just booked to be a guest on the radio show in January. I don’t know how big their audience is. I replied to their query. They asked for a bio. I emailed it pronto. They e-mailed back – asking for my choice of days."

Theresa Torseth learned how to pitch a bylined article to her local business journal, refined her approach, and made a pitch with confidence.

Get Return on Your Webinar Investment with Your First Paid Speaking Gig or New Client.

"The information I received from Nancy’s class was worth every dollar.  191,000 media placements within days of issuing a press release and doing the follow up!"

"I read on Nancy Juetten’s website she was offering a webinar series. Like many people, I struggled whether I should invest the money and enroll in the class. As the enrollment deadline came closer, I gritted my teeth and said to myself, ‘Just do it. You may learn some PR tactics you can use for your college admissions counseling practice and for Scott’s (husband) upcoming presentation on the Mona Lisa Code.’

The information I received from Nancy’s class was worth every dollar. From how to research the best media outlets and reporters, write press releases, pitch to the press, and create a rock star ready press kit, Nancy delivers the goods. I strongly encourage anyone who wants to get their business seen and heard in the media to enroll in Nancy Juetten’s Broadcast Your Brilliance webinar series.  P.S. Nancy – YOU are a true rock star!!

– Elizabeth Venturini, Media Relations, ‘Person of Talent’, The Mona Lisa Code —

"I’ve never seen an expert give so much individual feedback to participants in a teleclass."

Nancy is utterly amazing. She is extremely generous with her time, attention, and sassy soundbite suggestions. Other telesummits I’ve taken don’t even come close to the value I’ve received from Nancy’s.  I had just developed a new brand and service offering. Nancy’s class with weekly assignments and feedback helped me build my new bio, speaking topics, and know-how on pitching to the media. She’s helped me not only feel more confident about my message, but inject authentic WOW language that I can fully embrace.

– Cathy Norris,, Incline Village, NV

"Nancy shares her talents so easily, and is genuinely interested in helping others to succeed in their business endeavors."

When I signed up for Nancy’s seminar, I was expecting to liven up my bio. But, I received so much more for my money. Not only do I have a better bio, but I have multiple bios to use for different situations. In addition, I have a prepared list of targeted media outlet to share my information with, and the ability to get their attention. I thought I would pick up a few marketing pointers, but I found out how to develop and market a brand for myself. Nancy shares her talents so easily, and is genuinely intersted in helping others to succeed in their business endeavors. I owe her so much. I know that 2012 will be a great year, and I have the Broadcast Your Brilliance Seminar Series to thank for my upcoming success.

– Marlynn R. Jones,

"You get huge value for your investment. Nancy is the best out there – plus she is super cool and really nice."

Right out of the box, changing a first person bio to third packed a punch. From there, culling testimonials, some of which I’d never had a chance to read – blew ME away. Client raves I’d collected yet never shared. Nancy said, ‘Get ’em out, use them in your bio!’ Over the past couple of weeks she’s done jaw dropping bio ‘hot seats’ on fellow participants. She got a hold of mine and said her famous words, ‘You buried the lead.’ That was one huge mistake I fixed FAST! Using Nancy’s step by step process, I went from a repulsive (so much worse than a boring bio) to a ‘phone ringing, unsolicited speaking engagement, better than ever bio! I’ve got some work to do on this marketing and PR area, but I have never felt this effective all while having real fun. If you’re running on empty or feeling burned out in business, it just might be that boring bio and Nancy may be exactly what the doctor ordered. My heart has never been in it like this. If you want a ride where you get to control the speed and volume – well bring it on. With Nancy’s Broadcast your Brilliance Webinar Series, you’ll certainly get huge return value for your investment. She’s the best out there – plus she is super cool and really nice.

– Stephana Johnson

"Marvelous media maven saves author’s bacon with comprehensive webinar series."

Yes. You read that right the first time. Nancy’s Broadcast Your Brilliance webinar series is flat out dynamite! Take it from me, the author whose bacon was over crisping, Nancy’s course was a revelation in setting yourself free and learning to say what must and should be said. Ever generous with her tough love and deep finesse insights into the world of publicity, marketing, and sheer common sense savvy, Nancy’s course must be at the top of your "to do list" if you want your business to succeed. Period. End of story.

 Consider: how dynamic is your current bio? What’s its message? Does it have a message? How many should you have and for which situations? Now take a hard look at your website. Is your message there? Or was it just the slap-dash creation of a webmaster? Do you know what a press release is, and more importantly, isn’t? That pitch letter that you have been meaning to craft – have you? And then there are all those helpful sources that Nancy so thoughtfully provides. Bottom line: Nancy’s seminar first tells you how to build yourself up and get the message out. Then, deftly, she shows you how to make practical use of that newfound personal charm, wit, and wisdom. Having made the journey, I can only smile because I am now where I want to be: successful and with my bacon safely in the frig.

 Bill Cherf –

"This series is without doubt one of the best investments I’ve ever made.  In fact I’d go so far as to say it’s priceless." 

— Hazel Palache,

 "Wow! I just finished Nancy Juetten’s webinar series ‘Broadcast Your Brilliance’ and to say that Nancy is fantastic is really not enough.  Nancy’s insight and creativity goes way beyond any PR expert I’ve seen in the past. This series is without doubt one of the best investments I’ve ever made, in fact I’d go so far as to say it’s priceless.  She helped me clarify my own brilliance and then put it into interesting powerful words. She takes copy and has the insight to be able to take it from ordinary and boring and turns it into something truly powerful.  The whole series, her bonuses, her personal one on one time and all the incredible information really blew me away. Nancy you’re really a Rock Star.  Thank you."

"Nancy worked hard to ensure all students received thoughtful, gentle guidance in improving their messages."

– Kathy Slattengren, President,

After four years of developing my Priceless Parenting business, I knew my business would increase if I was able to better articulate the "Wow" parents get from my online parenting classes and presentations. Taking Nancy Juetten’s "Broadcast Your Brilliance" class was just what I needed. If you would like help crafting your message into words that sing and touch people’s hearts, Nancy Juetten is your go-to-guide. One of the most cost effective ways to tap into her talent is through her "Broadcast Your Brilliance" class. During the class, Nancy took my factual, boring statements and turned them into words with pizzazz and punch that also plucked at people’s heartstrings. Nancy worked hard to ensure all students received thoughtful, gentle guidance in improving their message. If you want help in painting a crystal clear picture of the value customers receive from your services, I highly recommend Nancy’s "Broadcast Your Brilliance" class.

 "Nancy found a way when I couldn’t. Her generosity seems to know no bounds."

I took Nancy’s Broadcast Your Brilliance course to learn how to do better bios since I want to do more public speaking. I was hoping to come up with something that I could send out to various organizations. And you would think that someone who writes video scripts wouldn’t have a problem with this. Well, it’s one thing to toot someone else’s horn. It’s quite another to toot your own in a way that doesn’t make you feel false or bragging.  Nancy struck me as a person who would understand this problem. And what a great judge of character I turned out to be.

Nancy found a way when I couldn’t. Her generosity seems to know no bounds. She gave example after example of great bios, and when I was stuck she simply turned mine into one of those. And it wasn’t just bios. Her take on how to use various web resources is quite clever and effective, and I look forward to diving into those resources as well when I launch my very next program.

This class has saved me only hours of needless angst and provided me with more tools to promote my company.  If you’re looking for a streamlined way to getyour publicity machine moving, I highly recommend Nancy’s course.

— Steven Washer,

"Nancy, You are a Word Wizard!"

Nancy, you have an unparalleled talent for seeing and hearing the essence of others and translating that essence into sizzling soundbites. As a result of the Bootcamp and the personalized input I received from you along the way, I now have what I need to present myself professionally and describe my offerings in an attention-getting way. Thank you!

Robin Pruitt, Healthy Food Consultant

"Bio Blah is over, Bio Wow has Arrived."

Time was running out. I needed a new, supercharged bio for fall networking events. All the pads of paper on my desk with half written paragraphs just weren’t working to fit the bill. Nancy Juetten saved my bio in the nick of time. In just one telephone conversation, she took my rough draft and gave me the bio makeover it was screaming for. Working her magic as we talked for the very first time, she intuitively knew the message I wanted to convey. She crafted a bio using language to attract my ideal clients, complete with an irresistible 7 second hook and a fabulous headline. I am still in awe of Nancy’s talents as a writer and in building rapport with me with such ease. Her caring and commitment to give me a bio I was proud of was evident throughout the entire phone call. Thanks to Nancy, I am now jumping for joy that my bio has the WOW it has been looking for!

– Linda Levin, P.C.C., Executive and Leadership Coach

"Nancy’s Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series was the ‘kick-in-the-butt’ I needed to finally put in place a bio that has teeth, is sassy, shows personality, and is PERFECT for grabbing the attention of the mixed niche I am trying to reach."

The awesome materials walk you step-by-step through not only what to do, but also the very important how to get it done. Hot Seats galore let you share Nancy’s word wizardry as she tosses out saucy headlines that will turn any head! Worksheets – samples – learning guides – it’s all part of the extensive bonus package! If you want to experience "over deliver" in person, book a session with Nancy so she can pull out of you the sassy sound bites just waiting to jump onto your bio. In just 30 minutes I had 4 amazing bio drafts to mix and match material for the 7-second hook and a camera-ready bio! It’s like working with a giant fire hose that keeps spurting out word associations that are so incredibly catchy and relevant to you and your audience! Plus—Nancy tosses in marketing tips, resources, and joint venture connections! An absolutely not-to-be-missed opportunity if you want to shine brighter and demonstrate your Bio WOW!

– Shari Swoish, Getting Grad Students better, high-paying jobs faster!

4.1.1 Career Doctors,

"There is no one out there doing what Nancy does."

This course isn’t for everyone. But if you’re seriously committed to doing the necessary work – and make no mistake, it takes a lot of time to sculpt the best possible you in various types of targeted written copy – then jump on this opportunity headfirst!

– Risa Simon, President/ Simon Says Seminars, Inc.

"Being About to Sell Yourself is Everything."

As a virtual assistant, I often write content for my clients. However, writing my own content has always proved to be difficult. Rewriting my bio and working on my branding had been on my "to-do list" for a while, but my client work always took precedence. The strategies and individual suggestions provided in this course were critical to the development of my story. Nancy provides the information you need in an energetic, resourceful and powerful manner. I highly recommend this course and its supporting materials. – Lisa Schulteis, Today’s Virtual Edge, Port Washington, WI

Soak Up Expert Feedback from the "Steeping Hot Seats." 

The beauty of this webinar series is that juicy content, powerful examples, and "steeping hots seats" are packed into five 1.5 hour webinars you can enjoy wherever you are in the world. And each session is recorded so you can listen in at your 24/7 convenience. All call recordings are posted immediately so there is never a delay.

  • Each call includes content sharing to jumpstart your learning, and powerful examples to bring the lessons alive.

  • Apply for a "Steeping Hot Seat" and submit your homework 48 hours before the next class to be considered for a story makeover in real time.  



No Overwhelm – One Inspired Action at a Time

Unlike an all-day or half-day session that overwhelms participants into inaction and "analysis paralysis," the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series invites you to take a bite out of the juicy, actionable content, one delicious taste at a time. Step by step, you acquire new business skills that  serve your quest for buzz and business building for the life of your successful business.

Week #1 – Bye-Bye Boring Bio — How to Write a Bionic Bio or Speaker Sheet or BOTH that Speaks Your Wow Right Now and Gets Your Phone to Ring

A great bio sets you apart from your competitors, establishes your credentials, and invites people to lean in and want to do business with you. If yours is a snoozer, it’s time for a makeover.

  • First, declare who you serve, why it matters, and learn why "naming your people" is so essential. Nancy will guide you through the process of figuring this out, once and for all.

  • If you are a speaker, learn how to share your WOW in a way that turns heads and invites engagements now.

  • Learn the ABC’s of bio writing so you can transform bio blunders into door openers.

  • If you already have a bio for your website. blog, or book cover, give attention to your speaker sheet, media attracting bio, or teleseminar packet for this segment of the course. Not all bios are suitable for all situations, and you want to be 24/7 ready for all great opportunities.

  • Steeping Hot Seats: Bios transformed to your biz and buzz building advantage!

  • Get inspired to create YOUR own head turning story.

Week # 2 – How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist

If you could learn how to send an email to an influential reporter with a story idea that can’t wait a moment longer, what impact could that have on awareness and visibility for your business and your message?

  • Learn the 5-Star recipe to earn media attention just about every time.
  • Discover how to create and pitch YOUR story with impact and pizazz so reporters and palpitating to learn more based on YOUR story.
  • Find out how to find the right reporter to share YOUR good news, including useful resources to make it easier than ever.
  • What is a reverse query? And how can one serve YOU? Answers revealed!
  • Get the inside skinny on how to get dressed and ready for interviews and other close encounters of the influence-building and money-making kind.
  • Benefit from more "Steeping Hot Seats" to help you pitch your story in perfect timing.

Week #3 – Press Releases That Pay Off in Today’s Digital Age

If you’ve been taking the "spray and pray" approach to sending your news to the media and want to find a better way to create press releases that deliver the "ink and air" you seek, don’t miss this session.

  • Discover the nuts and bolts to building a press release that earns the "ink and the air"
  • Learn the two biggest mistakes to avoid if you want your storytelling efforts to pay off.
  • Learn about useful and free tools to upgrade your headlines and copy so you can show up like a pro.
  • Get the inside skinny about the free versus the paid wire services and when either or both make sense.
  • Have an event coming up and need to get "butts in seats." Tune in to learn some effective and time-saving ways to spread the good news.
  • Love to write articles?  Learn how to make them pay off with visibility that packs a punch.
  • Receive feedback, story angle ideas, and coaching and creating in the moment to make YOUR press releases pack a punch.

Week #4 Grabbing Media Attention: Essential And Practical Tools That Get You Quoted and In The Spotlight

It’s one thing to earn an interview. It’s another thing to deliver your message in a winning way that showcases your perspectives and makes you show up like a rock star.

  • Discover how to respond to reporter queries that get you quoted.
  • Write headlines for your articles and press releases that pack a punch and tell a story in short order. Develop soundbites that must go into every media interview.
  • Master the do’s and don’ts of every media appearance.

Week #5 –Steeping Hot Seat Extravaganza

Step right up the get the help YOU need.

  • More "Steeping Hot Seats" to help you pull your story together so it is 24/7 ready to welcome opportunity. Ask Nancy anything and get custom answers to ease your storytelling pain.
  • Now what? Next steps to take, step by step, to pave your path to authentic visibility, buzz, respect, and new business!

5 LIVE Webinars, Access to All Recordings, Membership in the Private Member Forum, PLUS Digital Bonuses Packed with Practical Value.

  Mezzanine Front Row

#1 — Your own digital copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio — 143 pages of content, worksheets, examples and WOW, plus THREE Mp3 audio files to help you sell from the stage, make money from your book before it is published, and kick your boring bio to the curb as soon as possible.

#2 147 Powerful Ways to Boost Business and Profit from Free Publicity Digital eTips Booklets


  • #3 — Access to TWO MORE content-rich audio files to help you make the most of your DIY publicity efforts and make your press releases pay off.

  • Make the Most of Your Press Releases in Today’s Digital Age – PR Leads Founder Dan Janal

    interviews Nancy Juetten

  • Nuts and Bolts of DIY Publicity – Get Your Own Column, Write a Winning Pitch Letter, and More — Action Plan Marketing Founder Robert Middleton interviews Nancy Juetten — includes 54-page written transcript!

#4 — You get three years worth of Nancy’s best "Media Savvy" newspaper columns about making the most of your publicity to advance your credibility and prosperity.

#5 — You’ll get special access to the templates, samples, and examples that Nancy uses every day to invite and respond to virtual and live speaking opportunities with ease, speed, and impact. You can use these winning examples to create your own successful materials and SHOW UP like a rock star every time.

#6 — Invite your business partner or virtual assistant to monitor every call. My oh my. This is a big deal! Your team member will know how to tell your story and broadcast your brilliance so you can prosper in the spotlight. That opens the door for you to focus on other high value activities in your business.

#7 — Engage in the private member forum to both give and receive feedback on your work, share your successes, connect with new colleagues who can become your new co-collaborators, clients, referral sources, joint venture partners, and advocates. 

Answering Your Questions So You Can More Forward with 100% Confidence

Question:  How can I get personal attention in a group course?

Answer:  Each week, you receive assignments to prepare and share your story.  To enjoy personal attention, submit your Steeping Hot Seat application and your homework by email at least 48 hours before the next class.   The early bird often gets the worm in media relations and in every other aspect of life.  That’s why those who take action to ask for support are quick to get the support they need.

Question:  I know I need a better bio, but do I need to learn about press releases and story pitching, too?

Answer:  We all bloom where we are planted and take action on those items that are most pressing.   If you need to get your bios ready over a five week period so you can be "rock star" ready to speak, attract clients, or be media ready for interviews, use each week of the course to take action in that way.  If you are ready to start sharing your story, dig in to the assignments about press releases and story pitching.   One this is for sure.  When your bios are ready, you will be at the point where press releases and story pitching are going to be useful tactics for you to deploy to get known.

Question:  I am not sure about the group thing.

Answer:   We keep the size of the group so we can truly work together, get to know each other, and make some real magic happen for every participant.  That means that just about everyone who wants to step up to the Steeping Hot Seat can at least once during the five times we meet.  The beauty of the group is that everyone is on a mission to get known to get paid.  Many of the challenges we face in describing what we do are challenges everyone has in common.  The group serves as a powerful sounding board to give you social proof that your message is landing in a winning way – or not.  You just might make new friends who can become mastermind partners, service providers, and clients!

Question:  What if I can’t be LIVE on the calls at 11 a.m. Pacific every week?

Answer:  You can enjoy the recordings from wherever you are in the world.  Invite your assistant to attend and represent you if you absolutely can’t be with us.  Because I provide so much personal attention during these calls, I really want you to be LIVE when it is your turn to be in the Steeping Hot Seat.

Question:  Is there a way to work privately with you, Nancy?

Answer:    Of course!  What I love about teaching this course is that we have five glorious, action-packed weeks to work together.  You experience my "coaching and creating in the moment" when you either step up to the Steeping Hot Seat or benefit from the teaching lessons showcased with each story makeover.  By the end of the program, you know in your heart, your head, and your gut that doing deeper is something you want to do.  By that time, it will be an "easy YES" decision because you will have already gotten so much value from our group work together.  Your return on your time and investment should be crystal clear.   Whether you need a 30 or 60 minute session to make your bio, press release, or pitch letter better,  three focused hours of consulting focused squarely on what you need, or an ongoing mentoring program to keep you in inspired and smart action, there is a perfect fit way to engage!

So, with all that said, if you’ve been waiting to enroll in the July 11 through August 8 session, don’t wait any longer.

This five week course is the best way for coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, and professional service providers to enjoy expert guidance to get their messages right and be in stellar position to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews to fuel  their credibility, visibility, and balance sheet.  Over 100 professional service providers who were once tired of being well kept secrets are now attracting clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews as a direct result of the lessons they learned in this course.   Step by step and without overwhelm, these action-oriented professionals are getting seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED for their expert status.  You can have what they are having, provided you say YES now.

YES! I am ready to Broadcast My Brilliance.


Make One Easy Full Payment


3-Pay Option — Make 3 equal payments of $359 over 90 days.


Commit to the Broadcast Your Brilliance Credo.

"I promise to show up, be present, and move forward as an active participant in this course to meet my goal to prepare and share my best story now.  My business success and expanded business network depend on it.  The urgency to act is now."

There are no rollovers to future sessions or refunds, so make sure to commit to the dates of each session and do the work to make progress on your intention to Broadcast Your Brilliance.

Your Results are within Your Control

 When you act on the information Nancy Juetten shares during this webinaseries and via the generous bonus materials, you will be well equipped to Broadcast Your Brilliance to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention.  Your inspired action is the key.

Meet Nancy "Broadcast Your Brilliance" Juetten

Nancy Juetten is a storyteller, workshop leader, and author who shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPEN$ATED for their expert status. Nancy created Bye-Bye Boring Bio PLUS! to help coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention now. This book is selling worldwide and earning fans and powerful advocates every day. Nancy’s essential advice is this: "It’s your story. Tell it well." She is your champion for authentic visibility.

More Raves:

My bio is much more powerful and packed with wow!

Hi Nancy,  I learned so much during your course.  My bio is much more powerful and packed with wow!  The speaker sheets I feel are very good and I will make more with my various topics following the same format.  And most of all, I really appreciate your hands approach through this course.  It was very helpful to have the one on one time and when my bio  was in the steeping hot seat, it gave me great confidence that I am on the right track.  Thanks again for all of your brilliance!  You rock! 🙂

— Dashama "Fountain of Youth" Gordon,

Nancy is the real deal and she gives you ‘tough love’ that makes you decide if you are ‘truly in it’ or just ‘faking it’ till you may start making it.

Hi Nancy,  First I wanted to thank you again for all your advice and direction and clarity  that you have given me. I know I still has a ways to go, but I have a new outlook thanks to you.  I have had a ‘hobby’ for the past 6 years until recently when I listened to your preview call. Even though I have listened to many inspiring business greats, I never felt the way I did while listening to you. While on my daily walks along the beach here at the Jersey Shore, I actually stopped walking with my pug, Pang Pang, and sat down because I had to write down your information. I was so inspired just listening to you and signed up immediately for her course when I got home.  Just from the techniques and suggestions you gave me during my 30-minute buzz session, were enough to show me how I was in ‘hobby mode’, and I needed to be more clear in who I am and how I need to WOW people in what I have to offer them through my speaker bio. Nancy is the real deal and she gives you ‘tough love’ that makes you decide if you are ‘truly in it’ or just ‘faking it’ till you may start making it. I will never see things the same way again.  This ‘new business’ I have is about my getting the attention and exciting my ideal clients… not me, per se. Thank you Thank you Thank you Nancy for your brilliance in helping me bring out mine.  Thanks again.

— Lori ‘Minky’ Radcliffe, Fitness Nurse Consultant and Speaker,

The value was extraordinary in generosity and content.

Thank you so much for the call this morning. I am still buzzing from all the information that we developed in such a short time (and trying to get it down before the ol’ coconut attempts to go back into boat selling mode). It has been a pleasure working with you and I believe the value was extraordinary in generosity and content.  Thanks a ton!

— John Weiss, MQP, RSMT. Medical Qigong Practitioner/ Movement Coach, BodySpeak Movement Therapy,

You absolutely delivered what you promised and much more. Wow!


Nancy,  Allow me to broadcast YOUR brilliance, please. You are an amazing, authentic woman of integrity. And, you are a brilliant coach.  In fact, you are the only coach that has offered me value that is directly applicable to my business and the only coach that has listened astutely, enabling you to fulfill my coaching needs. And, all within the parameters of a group coaching program. You absolutely delivered what you promised and much more. Wow!  "OMG" doesn’t say enough. You are the creme de la creme. I am with heart-felt gratitude and appreciation.

— Deborah Fox, Luminary Healer, Empowerment Catalyst, Grief Guide,

Worth every penny I paid and more – simply priceless!

Having recently completed Nancy’s "Broadcast Your Brilliance" webinar, I am moved to share – it was brilliant!! Her golden nuggets of wisdom about how to get my message out in the world, in front of the right people was worth every penny I paid and more – simply priceless! 

 Anne Palmer, Clarity & Prosperity,