Going bigger in your business is one thing. Having the budget to get the support you need to make it real can be another.  I heard from so many of you that you want my support getting your bios ready to rock, but you desire options that are more budget friendly. Great news. The menu of choices that is super friendly for your budget is ready to serve you. Choose the option that best suits your needs and learning style.

Important Note: The options below EXCLUDE direct access to me — including live help to make your bio better and the additional bells and whistles that are packed within the Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Virtual Worldwide Intensive. There is abundant proof from happy clients worldwide for both choices.

If you know it is time to UPGRADE your best written first impression, take action to make it so.


Because it’s time to show up as the world-class expert you are — on your home page, social media profiles, speaker sheets, and everywhere your ideal clients can see, hear, celebrate and be in good position to COMPENSATE you for your winning ways.



 Bye-Bye Boring Bio book and 10 proven worksheets, handouts, PLUS the 3-hour Get Your Client Attracting Story DONE Audio to Guide Your Journey at your 24/7 Convenience

$47 +
